Worse and worse: Mexico falls in FIFA rankings


CITY OF MEXICO.- The International Football Federation (FIFA) has announced the clbadification of World Cups in which Belgium was awarded in advance beating the champion current world: France.

According to information from Notimex, the Mexican national team lost a step placing in 16th place, after the defeat against Chile in the last game of the date of FIFA.

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On the other hand, the Top Ten of the table There was only a sudden movement after England, who drew 0-0 with Croatia and beat Spain 3-2 in the League, managed to move Uruguay for remaining fifth in the standings .

the Colombian team came close to the top places In the standings, having reached the 11th position and moved Argentina, Chile and Germany, the latter lost two places after his defeat against Holland and France.

#RankingFIFA October

?? Belgium in the lead

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➕ https: // t .co / yTF63CEW1I pic.twitter.com/gSZtRjJssss [19659010] – FIFA.com in Spanish (@fifacom_es) 25 October 2018

The national team of Belgium, with 1733 points, sets its leading position in the FIFA world rankings when it leaves France, with which it shares the top Last month, a point separates it now.

The Red Devils, led by Spaniard Roberto Martinez, took first place with a slight advantage over the French team. During this month, both achieved a victory and a tie in the League of Nations. Belgium defeated Switzerland and drew against the Netherlands, while France defeated Germany and drew against Iceland.

England returns to fifth place at the expense of Uruguay, with which it traded sixth place. The selection of Gareth Southgate beat Spain 3-2 in the League of Nations return match, which earned them a place.

Spain, who scored a 1-4 win in the friendly against Wales, but lost to England, remains in ninth position with 1,594 points

teams that choose to rank among the top ten places eleven which moves Argentina, Chile and Germany to twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth places, respectively.

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