WWE RAW: Roman Reigns defeated Bobby Lashley to face Brock Lesnar in SummerSlam 2018 VIDEO PHOTOS | Trade | Total sports


The WWE Raw was held in the United States. Bank Arena of Cincinnati, Ohio. This new episode has brought more than a surprise. The most important was the revenge of Roman Reigns .

The show began with the intervention of the highest part of the company. Vince McMahon gave the word to his daughter, Stephanie, to confirm the first 'Pay Per View & # 39; clearly feminine who will bear the name "Evolution".

The news was celebrated by female superstars and applauded by the men's branch, who they were also present during the announcement.

Meanwhile, in the first fight of the evening, Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy had their chance to recover the championship in pairs, but without success.

Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel managed to stay with the win again.

At the end of the fight, Wyatt and Hardy attacked the defending champions and is that, apparently, the war is declared. What began as a joke has become a marked rivalry.

In the field of women, it was more than proven that Bayley and Sasha Banks came back to be the best friends of all time and delighted the fans with some of their talent. l & # 39; ring.

The big winner of the evening was, without a doubt, Roman Reigns. The fighter of Samoan origin had his revenge against Bobby Lashley.

The fight was very close. Lashley left Reigns badly beaten, but Reigns fired a last push that gave him the battle and, as a result, the opportunity for the universal title against Brock Lesnar.


The daughter Vince McMahon already confirmed her presence in the WWE Monday Night Raw . Plus, Stephanie said that she would make a historic announcement. There is a lot of waiting to know the message given the proximity of SummerSlam 2018 .

We will also have the fight between Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns. The two will fight to earn the right to face Brock Lesnar in Summerslam for the world championship. It will be a power struggle in power.

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<p id= WWE Raw (Video: YouTube)

The quarrel between The B-Team (Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel) and the couple formed by Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy will also continue. couple titles.

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