WWW Commotion: Roman Reigns has leukemia, renounces his title and retires – 23/10/2018


Roman Reigns, WWE's most famous wrestler in the US and world champion, surprised by a bomb ad. The professional wrestling superstar, 33, made a very emotional and sad speech. There, he announced that he was sick and that he should retire.

"I think I have to apologize to everyone.For months, maybe even a whole year, I appeared here under the name of Roman Reigns and I said that I am I would go back every week, be a champion fighter and be consistent as a workaholic. "

" But this is all a lie, "continued the fighter. "My real name is Joe, I have been living for 11 years with leukemia and, unfortunately, he is back." People were not surprised, especially when Reigns announced that they were temporarily retiring.

  A fight of Roman Reigns in 2016. Photo: AP / Manish Swarup.

A fight of Roman Reigns in 2016. Photo: AP / Manish Swarup

"Because of the return of leukemia, I can not play my role, I can not be a hunting champion and I have to give up my title of universal champion. "Reigns, his real name is Joe Anoa, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2008 and has since beaten against however, he does not want to give up his profession: "This is not a retirement speech. "