Yerko Puchento said goodbye on television with strong criticism against criticism


This last Thursday Vertigo chapter of this season was broadcast, where Yerko Puchento took the opportunity to deliver his already clbadic "Yerko Awards".

As usual, during routine, the comedian is derided by several celebrities, and relaunched the controversy with Daniella Chávez, one of the most remembered of this year.

However, before finalizing his presentation, the character played by Daniel Alcaíno took the time to make an important announcement that surprised everyone.

"Today is the end of a cycle that began one day, as it did today, on June 28, 2001, when I first appeared on the program Monday Without Fault. Chile has changed , the show changed, I changed. Today ends a 17 year cycle. We were practically a dictatorship of humor in this country ", he started to declare.

He also badured that this year "was particularly difficult" because of critics who came to him "through the double standard cynicism, to hide in the anonymity of". a social network, the media show and the bad waves. They gave us a hype at the party week after week. "

" Tonight Yerko Puchento is over, because I also have a I do not want to continue to spend bullets on pigs that do not butter, I do not want more debate with the morons " he launched.

"In 17 years I've tried to say what people think, what no one dares to say on TV." I said corrupt to corrupt and scoundrels to the scoundrels, I laughed fools, I saw the canopies, I denounced with first and last name, I made fun of who is wrong, "he said.

Not everything was critical because he also played a mea culpa, recognizing that sometimes he pbaded his hand with sarcasm and ridicule, but "it's the cost of being Yerko Puchento".

the night I say goodbye to everyone, from a whole country, thanks to my team and especially thanks to the people who surprised me for 17 years ", finished.

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