"You can not leave me like this": the end ends after the end of the Luismi series


Netflix released the final chapter of the first installment of the Furor serial of the season. What can we expect for the second batch of episodes?

Alert, spoilers!

The World Cup is over. Wimbledon was finished. And it's over "Luis Miguel.The series", the biggest televisual phenomenon of the Argentine season with "La Casa de Papel". The show generated doubts before landing on Netflix, with an opportunistic soap opera aroma and an authoritative "washed-up" biography, but eventually it revealed itself as an impeccable production that blended romance, suspense and music with mastery and on the way, relaunched the Mexican Divo race.

But now? Then we reveal lies and truths, review everything he has left behind, and anticipate all that will come on the show that, as before, brought the family together in front of the television on Sunday night.


The first season of the series, which culminated Sunday, reviews the first 22 years of Luismi's life, showing his growth of children's artist to "Romance", the album that launched it as a world artist: With the closing of the 13-episode series, the artist receives the news of the commercial success of his album and the rage that & # 039; s 39 it provokes in Latin America, where the promotional bolero album tour was sold out completely. The divo travels there when he receives the news that his father is recovering and decides to travel to Spain, where Luis Rey was, in order to find out where his mother is, Marcela, whose mysterious disappearance was the axis of the first season


The last episode of the year came back to the beginning of the series, at the moment when Luismi receives the news of the serious health of his father , thus marking the farewell of Luisito Rey, despotic father Luismi who pushed him to pure intimidation to be a star and with whom he took distance when he began to internalize in the Constant diversions of Rey, who was in charge of his career. The series tells that Luisito Rey has planned to tell Luis Miguel the truth about Marcela's place of detention on his deathbed, although the conversation between them is both ambiguous and enormous. "You already know where he is," shoot the big villain of 2018 before moving to the next world because of a disease of "bad reputation" (it would have been AIDS, when the version " official "indicates that he died of cirrhosis). From around Rey, however, they deny this meeting in Spain between father and son and claim that Luismi has continued his engagements in South America.

And Marcela?

From the environment of the Mexican artist, without however, they claim that something similar to the truth is what counts the series. Unlike versions of the maternal family of Luismi, who claims that the divo never looked for her mother, a friend of the artist confirms what has been described in the Netflix show: that the Mexican has followed several tracks, from escape psychiatric hospitalization to postpartum depression, and then asked the help of Israeli intelligence services, which at the end of the series delivered a record with a report on the fate of his mother to Hugo López, director of Luismi. When Rey does not confirm the place of his mother, Lopez delivers the report to the artist, and the results seem conclusive: although the series does not confirm it, everything in the series indicates that Marcela was sent to kill by Rey .

Luismi's biographer, Javier León Herrera, who wrote the book on which the show is based: "It seems to me legitimate that they have a thread of hope, but I do not think that this Marcela is dead, absolutely and definitely, it is fundamental to understand the story of Luis Miguel.The details are scabrous, although the body never appeared, "he revealed. The "scabrous" details would include the complicity of the politician and former Mexican police chief Arturo Durazo Moreno, a dark figure who allegedly financed Luismi's early career. It is likely that this appearance of the discouraging Mossad final definitive report to the story of Marcela in the show.

The coward ends

But, then, with Marcela gone and Luis King dead, in which will concentrate the second season of the series? In the latest episodes of the biographical series slipped the story of Stephanie Salas and her daughter Michelle, who have fruit of their informal relationship with Luis Miguel when they were both very young, but that Luismi took years to recognize like theirs. Stephanie broke the silence during the first episodes of the series noting that her first appearance in the series had been inaccurate: the singer and actress appeared at the wedding that marks the separation of the divo with her first great love, Marina Yazbek, suggesting that Michelle It was born of a night of pbadion and alcohol, but "the biographical series is not chronologically accurate because, to begin with, my daughter was born at the time of the relationship between Mariana and Luis Miguel, in which I never interposed … Let's not forget that it's a series where fiction comes in and apparently has very imprecise content, "Stephanie said.

The pregnancy would have taken a very young Luismi by surprise, but according to the story of Salas the reaction was "reasonable": "I think that he had mixed feelings, he was meditating, he was digesting, and he reacted in a very sensible and balanced manner, at no time did he become mad, angry or aggressive.He took this part of a mature man and told me, then that he touched my belly: "All will be well, you, do not worry, nothing will be missed because I will be there."

Luismi visited Michelle on a few occasions, although she never badumed paternity neither financially nor emotionally and over time was distancing herself from her firstborn, and until He came to deny it in some interviews. The hidden paternity, like the life of Sergio, the younger brother of Luismi abandoned in Europe by his family, and the terminal illness of Hugo López, director and father figure, appear as the main threads of the second part of the series, in which Luismi will grow as never before in the professional but, apparently, will be more alone than ever.

Second arrives

The second season was officially confirmed yesterday: although it was taken for granted, it was Wait for the end of the first part so that Diego Boneta, l 'arrive arrive [[[[pourpouractorwhoplaysLuismiintheseriesconfirmsonInstagramthecontinuity:"@lmxlmThankyouforyouradviceyourtrustandyourcomplicityExcitedforwhatcomes"theactorwrotetothesingerconfirmingalmostanewseriesofepisodes

Almost simultaneously, executive producer Miguel Magnani confirmed the news and revealed that he will have a total of 20 chapters, seven more than the first. Gustavo Saldaña, producer of the show, posted a video on his Twitter account that anticipates one of the scenes that will be seen in the second season: Marcelo Tinelli interviewing Luismi a few hours after the death of Luisito Rey. And the love of the singer will not be forgotten either: Mariah Carey's characters, Deisy Fuentes, Aracely Arámbula and Sofía Vergara will parade through the second season.

Caesar Bordón (Hugo López in the fiction) in dialogue with EL DIA, affirmed that the episodes would be already thought, but not written: the strongest version is that the telenovela was thought in two parts, each autoconclusive ( if the first part failed, it could end with the death of Luis Rey), and that the second season will actually be the end of the biographical series.

Visit to Argentina

In dialogue with his fans on Instagram, Boneta also confirmed a future trip to Argentina. But the question that every divo fan becomes, is when the real Luismi will come to the country: the artist is touring North America and Mexico that marks the rebirth of his career and is expected soon announce dates in South America, although there is still no official confirmation …


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