YouTube: Netflix: Maniac, the series of Emma Stone and Jonah Hill arriving in September [VIDEO]


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Hollywood star Emma Stone will play in a series for the first time in his career with Netflix and in the company of comedian Jonah Hill.

This new production is entitled "Maniac" the same will be available from 21 September next worldwide in the streaming platform and has just released its first trailer on YouTube. 19659005] YOU CAN SEE: So goes the ranking of the Apertura Tournament

Located in a world like our world and at a time quite similar to our times, Maniac tells the stories of Annie Landsberg and Owen Milgrim, two strangers gathered in the last stages of a mysterious pharmaceutical trial.

Annie (Emma Stone) feels unsympathetic and aimless, obsessed with the fragmented relationship with her mother and sister; Owen (Jonah Hill), the fifth son of industrial magnates in New York, has been fighting all his life with a controversial diagnosis of schizophrenia. Nothing of their life has gone well and the promise of a new type of radical pharmaceutical treatment, a sequence of pills that its inventor, Dr. James K. Mantleray (Justin Theroux), claims to be able to repair n & rsquo; Does not matter what in the mind, since it is a mental illness or a lack of love

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Here's how the couple and ten other strangers are gathered in the facilities of Neberdine Pharmaceutical and Biotech for a three-day trial that, without complications or side effects, will solve all your problems permanently.

But, as we know, things are not going as planned.


This is not the first time Emma Stone and Jonah Hill share the spotlight. In 2007, they jumped to fame with the comic film "Superbad".

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