China has announced "vice ministers" to visit Washington for trade talks


The Chinese authorities will be in Washington this week to hold consultations with the United States in preparation for the high-level trade negotiations to be held in October.

The state-controlled CCTV media reported Tuesday that deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, Liao Min, will lead a delegation of deputy ministers to discuss trade and economic issues, according to CNBC's translation.

The meeting is being held at the invitation of the United States, reported CCTV.

The timing of the meeting was unclear – the CCTV report said the Chinese delegation would visit the United States on Wednesday, but Reuters quoted US trade officials as saying the deputy ministers' talks would start on Thursday .

The United States and China have been engaged in a commercial battle for over a year, with both parties clamoring for retaliatory rights over their billions worth of goods.

Tensions escalated last month when both parties announced an increase in tariffs on their products.

In response to earlier rights, China announced on August 23 that it would apply new tariffs of between 5% and 10% on goods worth $ 75 billion from the United States. President Donald Trump then threatened to raise tariffs on all Chinese products by the end of the year.

The two sides have since made small concessions, with Beijing exempting some US products from additional tariffs.

By "good will" and at Beijing's request, the Trump administration also decided to postpone for two weeks the increase in customs duties on Chinese goods, worth $ 250 billion – from October 1st to 15th. The People's Republic of China will celebrate its 70th anniversary on October 1st.


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