China sanctions Mike Pompeo, senior Trump administration officials after Biden takes office


In a very worded statement released after US President Joe Biden was sworn in in the early hours of Thursday morning Beijing time, China’s Foreign Ministry said former Trump administration officials were “anti-politicians. Chinese “that had undermined relations between the United States and China.

“(They) planned, promoted and executed a series of mad maneuvers that seriously interfered with China’s internal affairs, undermined China’s interests, offended the Chinese people and seriously disrupted Sino-US relations,” the report said. communicated.

China’s decision highlights the fractured and often hostile relationship between Washington and Beijing during Trump’s tenure.

Many of the 28 outgoing and former officials sanctioned by Beijing were seen as influential in helping to steer the more confrontational Chinese policy of the Trump administration, which has seen clashes with Beijing over issues related to trade, technology, regional security and human rights.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks on China's foreign policy at Georgia Tech December 9 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Among those listed by Beijing were former trade advisor Peter Navarro; former national security adviser Robert O’Brien and his former deputy Matt Pottinger; former health secretary Alex Azar; and former US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft. Former Trump aide Steve Bannon and former security adviser John Bolton were also included.

The 28 former officials and members of their immediate families are said to be banned from entering mainland China, Hong Kong or Macau, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry statement. In addition, companies and institutions associated with those named would be prohibited from doing business with China.

Navarro told CNN the sanctions were a “badge of honor for the dictatorship that killed millions with its virus.” The Trump administration has repeatedly insisted that China should be solely responsible for the coronavirus pandemic.

Thursday’s sanctions follow a series of final measures by the Trump administration against China, including sanctions against officials and a declaration on the last day that the Chinese government committed genocide against Uyghur Muslims and ethnic and religious minority groups in his country. western region of Xinjiang.
US accuses China of 'genocide' of Uyghurs and minority groups in Xinjiang
Just over a week earlier, on January 11, Pompeo announced that the United States would lift decades-old restrictions on contact between U.S. and Taiwanese officials, a move that has drawn threats from Beijing.

China’s decision to impose sanctions on the outgoing Trump team follows comments from Beijing in the hours before Biden’s inauguration, expressing hope that the new US president “would look at China rationally and objective”.

In a regular press briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the US administration had made many “fundamental mistakes” over the past four years, causing serious damage. bilateral relations.

The Biden administration should “look at China rationally and objectively, meet China halfway, and in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, push Sino-American relations back on track. ‘healthy and stable development as soon as possible, “Hua said.

“If the new American administration can adopt a more rational and responsible attitude in the formulation of its foreign policy, I think it will be warmly welcomed by all in the international community,” she added.


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