China warns citizens against travel to the United States


The American flag is floating at a welcome ceremony between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump in 2017.

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Beijing has escalated its warnings against the United States by warning Chinese people to work, study and travel to America.

On Tuesday, China's Foreign Ministry announced a security warning for Chinese citizens and businesses in the United States, according to CCTV public television.

"Recently, US law enforcement agencies repeatedly used methods such as entry and exit controls and on-site interviews to harass Chinese citizens in the United States," said the ministry, according to CCTV.

"The Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in the United States warn Chinese citizens and institutions with Chinese participation to increase their security awareness, strengthen preventive measures and react correctly, "adds the text.

"In case of emergency, quickly contact the Chinese Consulate in the United States for help."

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism also issued an alert Tuesday for the Chinese tourists going to America. "Recently, shootings, robberies and robberies have occurred frequently in the United States," the ministry said on its website in Chinese, according to a CNBC translation.

Tuesday's announcements follow the warning issued Monday by the Ministry of Education to Chinese students studying abroad, noting the recent restrictions imposed by the United States on certain visas issued by the United States. Chinese students, according to the official media.


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