Chinese bombers carried out mock attack on US Navy aircraft carrier


Chinese bombers recently simulated an attack on a US Navy aircraft carrier in the South China Sea, the US military said on Friday, confirming earlier reports from the Financial Times.

As the Navy’s aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt strike group navigated the South China Sea last Saturday, the Chinese military sent eight H-6K bombers, four J-16 fighter jets, and one anti-warfare aircraft. -Y-8 submarine flying over Taiwan and into the disputed waterway.

Tracking data indicates that the US carrier strike group entered the South China Sea through the Bashi Channel as Chinese fighters passed through the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone.

The next day, an unidentified military analyst from the mainland told the Chinese state-affiliated Global Times that the Chinese decision may have been a training exercise intended to “strengthen the PLA’s combat capability against American aircraft carriers “, because the bombers could train to launch a saturation attack against American ships.

Another analyst told the newspaper that the thefts were “likely routine operations” that had nothing to do with nearby US ships.

A Chinese Air Force H-6K bomber

Chinese Air Force H-6K bomber

Xinhua / Guo Wei via Getty Images

The Financial Times, citing people familiar with U.S. and allied intelligence, reported on Friday that Chinese bombers and fighters had simulated an attack on Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group. Chinese bomber pilots were also reportedly heard confirming naval strike orders and simulating the firing of anti-ship missiles.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Command spokesman Captain Mike Kafka told Insider in an emailed statement that “Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group was closely monitoring all activities of the People’s Liberation Army Navy. (PLAN) and the Air Force (PLAAF), threat to US Navy ships, aircraft or sailors. ”

A defense official said the Chinese plane did not approach within 250 miles of U.S. Navy ships, putting them outside the estimated range of the YJ-12 anti-ship cruise missiles. worn by the H-6K. There was a mock attack, the official said.

Kafka said in the INDOPACOM statement, “the activities of the PLA highlighted here are the latest in a series of aggressive and destabilizing actions.”

The spokesperson said that “these actions reflect a continued attempt by the PLA to use its military as a tool to intimidate or coerce those operating in international waters and airspace, to include their neighbors and those who have competing territorial claims, “adding that” the United States will continue to fly, navigate and operate wherever international law permits, demonstrating our resolve through our operational presence throughout the region.

The U.S. Navy said in a statement last Sunday that the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group was on a routine deployment to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of ​​responsibility to conduct maritime security operations.

China opposes the regular US military presence in the South China Sea, even though it has operated in the region for decades.

“It is no use for regional peace and stability for the United States to frequently send military ships and planes to the South China Sea to show off their muscles,” Chinese Ministry of Affairs spokesman said. foreigner, Zhao Lijian, during a press briefing on Monday.

The latest developments in the South China Sea highlight the challenges the new Biden administration will face when dealing with Beijing and China’s growing military might.

The new administration and China have already traded blows on Taiwan. At Monday’s press conference, Zhao told the United States to “refrain from sending false signals to” Taiwan independence “forces in order to avoid harming Sino-American relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait “after the US State Department criticized China’s efforts. put pressure on Taiwan militarily, economically and diplomatically.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said Thursday that Chinese military activities near Taiwan are necessary and warned that it would mean war if Taiwan pursues its independence from China.

Speaking at the Biden administration’s first Defense Ministry press briefing, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby reaffirmed US support for Taiwan’s defense, but said tensions “must not not lead to something like a confrontation.


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