Chris Christie says it’s time for GOP to “face the realities of the 2020 election”


“We have to give up on conspiracy theorists and truth deniers. Those who know best and those who are just plain crazy,” said Christie, speaking to an in-person audience at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, in California. . “We have to give our supporters facts that will help them put an end to all these fantasies.”

While the 59-year-old Republican did not criticize Trump by name, his criticism of the GOP clearly centered on the former president and his lies about the 2020 election.

“We need to stop wasting our time, energy and credibility on claims that will never convince anyone of anything,” Christie said. “Pretending to have won when we have lost is a waste of time, energy and credibility.”

He took another apparent blow to Trump by urging those gathered not to tie the party to a single individual.

“No man, no woman, no matter what position they have held or how much wealth they have acquired, is worthy of blind faith or obedience,” said Christie. “We deserve much better than to be misled by those who are trying to gain or retain power.”

Christie’s remarks come as he prepares for a political comeback, posing as a revealer of the truth in his own party.

After his own unsuccessful bid for the GOP nomination in 2016, Christie backed Trump, appearing at events for the prospective nominee and even speaking at the Republican National Convention on Trump’s behalf. Four years later, he advised Trump on his re-election campaign.

But in the aftermath of the Jan.6 uprising on the U.S. Capitol, Christie distanced himself from the outgoing president. He said Trump’s role in instigating the riot was an impeachment offense.
Christie spent a significant portion of her speech in California criticizing President Joe Biden and the Democratic agenda. But he warned that the GOP cannot regain power in Washington without getting rid of its most extreme elements.

Christie called on Republicans to reject QAnon supporters, white supremacists and those who believe in baseless allegations of widespread voter fraud.

“Slogans will hardly be enough. The time for catchy platitudes is over. So are the grievances and lies that have been spat at us, which have blocked our party,” he said.

He rejected the idea that Republican candidates should heed these views in order to gain votes.

“If timid acceptance is the price of admission, we are not the party we’ve always been,” he said.


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