Chris Christie: Trump’s legal challenges to election results were “a national disgrace”


Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Sunday denounced the lack of evidence in President Trump’s legal challenges to election results as “a national embarrassment,” noting that Trump has had the opportunity to prove in court allegations of widespread electoral fraud.

The big picture: Although the president’s legal challenges in various states are gaining little to no ground, only a handful of congressional Republicans have recognized Biden as president-elect.

  • Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) praised Biden on Saturday hours after a Republican judge in his state dismissed a prejudiced Trump campaign lawsuit that sought to block certification of election results in Pennsylvania.
  • U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann wrote in his opinion on the lawsuit that the Trump team had concocted a legal argument “like Frankenstein’s monster,” the Washington Post reports.

What he says: “And what happened here is, quite frankly, that the content of the President’s legal team has been a national embarrassment. Sidney Powell accusing Governor Brian Kemp of a crime on television, but refusing to go on television to defend and expose the evidence she supposedly has, ”Christie told ABC’s“ This Week ”.

  • “This is scandalous conduct on the part of any lawyer, and notice, George, they won’t do it inside the courtroom. They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they enter the courtroom, they do not plead fraud and they do not plead fraud. “
  • “I have been a supporter of the president. I have voted for him twice, but elections have consequences, and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that did not. You have an obligation to present the evidence. “


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