Chris Cuomo Describes "Real Risk" Democrats Would Take When Putting Donald Trump on Trial


CNN's Chris Cuomo said the Democrats needed to examine the political reality of launching an impeachment proceeding against President Donald Trump.

"It's a stranger, okay," said the host of "Cuomo Prime Time" on Tuesday. "And there is a real risk that the bully in this case, up to now, looks like a victim if you stray from it in the name of surveillance, as he constantly repeats."

Cuomo also suggested that special advocate Robert Mueller should testify before Congress about his report on Russia's interference in the 2016 election and on possible collusion in the Trump campaign.

"If you put Mr. Mueller at the helm and he says what he found, how he found it and why he explained it so, the way forward will be clear, "said Cuomo.

Check out the clip here:

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.


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