Chris Evans of Endgame Responds to Death Rumors of Captain America


Will Captain America meet his disappearance in Avengers: End of the game?

The death of Steve Rogers has been heavily speculated for a while, and The Hollywood journalist Chris Evans tackled the subject with the Marvel star in a new interview.

"It's a good movie," said Evans about the movie. "It's a very good moment. I saw the first hour. "

When THR Funny that Evans was watching until Captain America died, the star jokingly replied, "Well, exactly." After my death by Tony's hand, I just said, "You know what? I can not watch that. "

The publication made the same joke later when Evans said he "choked like three times" while watching End of Game.

This time, Evans joked, "It's hard to see my own death, it will be a long movie, that's for sure.

"The first edition lasted more than three hours and my funeral lasted an hour."

Steve Rogers / Captain America in Avengers: Endgame Trailer

Marvel Studios

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If you are looking for real spoilers, you're out of luck. But Evans dropped a vague clue …

"I can not believe that they even built a trailer, because it's largely a visual spoiler," he said. "You will see, many characters have-

"I probably should not have said that."

Tuesday (March 26), Marvel released an individual disc Avengers: End of the game posters for 32 characters – confirming that Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie will be in the film.

Avengers: End of the game was released in British cinemas on April 25 and American theaters on April 26.

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