Chris Grant, "hero" in the shooting of El Paso lied on details: report


A man who claimed to have thrown bottles to distract shooter El Paso Walmart – and was even honored by the White House for his actions – lied about certain details and was not a hero after all, announced of new news.

Fifty-year-old Chris Grant was one of 11 people to be honored on Monday by President Trump for their courage amid the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, which took place at a few hours on Sunday. 'other.

Instead, Grant was arrested by the secret services at the White House – and the authorities are questioning his account of events, reported ABC News. His mother, who was present, accepted a certificate of recommendation on his behalf.

Grant, who was injured in the shooting, said he had thrown bottles at the accused Patrick Crusius to try to distract him, rather than fleeing the rampage that had killed 22 people. Then the gunman would have pointed his gun at him.

But El Paso police told ABC on Wednesday that video surveillance contradicted Grant's story.

"[His actions] were basically human instincts, survival instincts, but they were neither heroic nor as he described, "police spokesman Enrique Carrillo told the network.

But Carrillo declined to comment on the specific actions that Grant has undertaken, or to say what interaction, if any, he had with Crusius.

Certificate of Merit from Chris Grant
Certificate of Merit from Chris GrantFacebook

"No one has bothered to check with us," said Carrillo to the Washington Examiner. "They would have been informed, as I tell you now, that our detectives spent hours recording a video and that his actions did not match his story … His statements were at odds with what was revealed on the video. "

He was beaten by the secret service because he was a "fugitive of justice," a spokesman for the Washington Police Department told the Metropolitan Police.

Secret services confirmed to ABC that a man with an active arrest warrant was temporarily detained, but did not give him his name. A spokeswoman for the police confirmed that the detainee was Grant.

He was subsequently released and the record is not clear, according to the report.

Donald Trump presents a certificate of recommendation to Minnie Grant, Christopher Grant's mother.
Donald Trump presents a certificate of recommendation to Minnie Grant, Christopher Grant's mother.AP

"It was later determined that as long as the arrest warrant was pending, the agency that issued it would not be extradited, by which time the individual was released. secret service premises, "a spokesman for the secret service told the El Paso Times.

The list of Monday winners, obtained by ABC, did not include Grant's name.

Grant did not return several calls from the outlet.

Trump congratulated Grant at Monday's event.

"Chris Grant was taking snacks for his kids when he suddenly saw the murderer shoot innocent customers a few aisles away from him," said the president. "Chris grabbed – listened to – bottles of soda and everything in front of him, and started throwing them at the shooter, distracting him from other buyers and forcing the shooter to turn to Chris and shoot at Chris which caused two serious injuries to Chris injuries. "

Her sister, Jenny Grant, went on Facebook to share photos of her mother asking for the award on behalf of Chris.

"It was the most incredible and unique experience in my life," she said. "It does not matter what party you represent or what you believe in. It was about recognizing courageous and dedicated citizens who, without hesitation, looked badly in their eyes to care for one another."


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Chris Grant with Officer Lionel Gutierrez, who saved Grant's life during the El Paso shootings



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