Chris Harrison apologizes for defending Rachael Kirkconnell


Chris Harrison – host of The single person and its many fallout – really stepped in earlier this week to defend Bachelor Contestant Rachael Kirkconnell attended what appears to be an Antebellum-themed party in 2018. You can catch up on what happened here.

Craig Sjodin / Getty Images

“I’ll always own a mistake when I make one, so I’m here to offer a sincere apology,” said Harrison, saying “my intentions were simply to ask for mercy by offering. [Kirkconnell] the opportunity to speak on their own behalf. “

“What I realize now is causing harm by speaking wrongly in a way that perpetuates racism, and I am deeply sorry for that.

Harrison also apologized to Lindsay “for not listening to her better on a topic that she has a first-hand understanding of.”

In his statement, Harrison also nodded to fans’ considerable outrage at his remarks, saying he “humbly [thanks] the members of Bachelor Nation who contacted me to hold me responsible. “

“I promise to do better,” he concluded. Let’s hope so!

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