Chris Jericho reveals that Vince McMahon hated the match between WrestleMania and KO


In a recent interview with Inside The Ropes, Chris Jericho revealed how Vince McMahon hated his match against WrestleMania with Kevin Owens.

On WrestleMania, the matches are difficult:

"WrestleMania matches are tough because there is so much training around and hype that it's very rare that you have a WrestleMania match that you're really happy with, I got one. The Shawn Michaels match is the only one I'm really happy about. On the side of the Owens, it's hard the sound of a stadium that rises until you can feel it. I think the accumulation, it was one of the best years of my career. "

On Vince McMahon hating his match with KO:

The Festival Of Friendship, I had to fight for it, everything we had agreed was changed and I had to fight for it and I and Triple H were not in agreement. The match happened and I thought it was good and the problem was that we were after Shane and AJ, and I would like to be first. The second is difficult, no matter who you are. I was very surprised when I saw knockout afterwards and Vince said it was one of the worst games in the history of WrestleMania. He wanted Kevin to be that type of heel and he was doing a lot of showy things and he did not want it. Vince never said anything about the match, never. Kevin was very sad and I told him you were participating in Vince's training camp. Do I think it was a good match? No. But was it the worst match in the history of WrestleMania, absolutely not. "

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