Chris Matthews tells Kamala Harris that management's privilege is "a bit like virginity"


MSNBC host Chris Matthews apologized on Wednesday for an exaggerated metaphor comparing senior management's privilege to virginity.

"I suppose the question is once he has testified before the inquiry of Mr. Mueller's special advocate: how can he now say that I will not do the same testimony by publicly claiming the privilege of the executive power ? I think it's a bit like virginity, a bit, "said Senator Kamala Harris to Matthews, the host of" Hardball, "in an interview Wednesday night.

"Once you start talking about a problem in your jurisdiction, and then say," Oh, I'm not doing it anymore, "you can not do it once you start talking. I understand that it works like executive privilege. Once you have abandoned it, you can not recover it. How do you see that? ", Said the 73-year-old.

Harris made a delicate grin while Matthews made the metaphor and then opposed it.

"I'm not going to accompany you on this metaphor, Chris," Harris said, laughing nervously.

A few minutes later, Matthews, a former speechwriter for House Speaker Tip O'Neill, apologized after producers scolded him in his headset.

"I'm sorry about the metaphor I used before. I have already been warned about this. So, I really should not have used it in this context, "said Matthews.

Harris nodded and smiled nervously while Matthews finished his apology.

Harris is one of 20 candidates declared in the Democratic presidential election for 2020.


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