Chris Paul trades rumors: Thunder and Suns discussed superstar deal


While there aren’t many reputable free agents out there, this offseason is still going to be pretty exciting. Not only will the draft and free agency be done in a matter of weeks, but there are a number of stars on the trading block, and the amount of rumors going around suggests there could be a lot of movements.

Most notably, the Oklahoma City Thunder should trade Chris Paul when they enter rebuild mode. Considering his age and abilities, and the fact that he’s never won a championship, most conversations about a possible trade with Paul turn him into a contender. But these aren’t the only teams interested in the veteran point guard.

The Phoenix Suns jumped into the action and chatted with the Thunder about a possible deal, according to Brian Windhorst and ESPN’s Tim Bontemps:

Discussions are ongoing and continue to gain ground, but no deal is imminent, sources said. There is currently a moratorium on trade as the NBA goes through procedures to start next season ahead of the league draft next week.

The Thunder have given star players like Paul George and Russell Westbrook contributions on trade destinations in the past and have shown an openness to working with Paul on a trade now, sources said.

This one comes out of nowhere, but it actually makes sense to both sides. The Suns come off a perfect performance in the bubble, where they went 8-0 to almost have a miraculous trip to the playoffs. In Devin Booker and Deandre Ayton, they have a solid, young base, and a veteran star like Paul – who fits those two perfectly – could give Phoenix the boost he needs to finally return to the playoffs, somewhere they haven’t had it since 2010.

Meanwhile, the Suns have the young talent and flexibility to make a more enticing offer to the Thunder than many contenders could with Paul’s big contract. Plus, given that they wouldn’t be a contender even with Paul, any potential Suns first-round pick would be more appealing to the Thunder.

Paul is said to have information on where he traded, however, so whether he wants to play his career in Phoenix is ​​another story. As is the question of whether it is worth it for the Suns to mortgage some of their future just for the possibility of making the playoffs end in the busy Western Conference over the next few years.

A deal isn’t imminent at the moment, but it’s certainly a story to watch over the next few weeks. At this point, you should consider that a bit deeper if we’re working under the assumption that Paul wants to win a title before his career is over, but it would be absolutely fun to see him play alongside Booker. and Ayton.


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