Chris Pine on the set of this great scene [SPOILERS]


When it came to Wonder Woman 1984, one of the big questions asked in the movie was “ how Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) come back?’ It was not so surprising that this director Patty jenkins and Warner Bros. and DC have decided to bring back Steve played by the best Chris. He was of great interest, one of the few male characters who was never threatened by the fact that the woman he was with was so much stronger than him. Instead, Steve spent everything first Wonder woman looking at Diana with a heart in her eyes. Their relationship was cute and Pine’s chemistry with the star Gal gadot was excellent. They had a lot of great scenes, but there was one in particular that Pine was asked about, but it’s a DISCLOSE. So if you don’t want to be spoiled for a major plot point in Wonder Woman 1984, so don’t read beyond this image of Diana and Steve being adorable.

[SPOILERS]    Chris Pine on the set of that big scene in Wonder Woman 1984
Copyright: © 2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. Photo credit: Clay Enos / ™ and © DC Comics. Caption: (Lr) CHRIS PINE as Steve Trevor and GAL GADOT as Diana Prince in the Warner Bros. action-adventure Pictures “WONDER WOMAN 1984”, a Warner Bros. release. Pictures.

Steve isn’t so much brought back to life that his soul possesses a random guy, which is a plot point the film never really takes the time to examine in a real way, but it’s a conversation. for another article. When Diana wished on the Dreamstone to bring Steve back, she lost something in return, and that something was her powers. After a fight with a now-energized Cheetah and Max Lord who has escaped, Steve realizes that Diana has to give up her wish to save the world. However, giving up his wish would mean sending him back to where he was. Pine spoke to Collider about filming the scene Wonder Woman 1984, where Diana has to choose between Steve and the world and what it was like to shoot such a difficult scene.

“We shot that off Pennsylvania Avenue. We shot that day when we did part of that huge week-long streak going down Pennsylvania Avenue, and its downhill and then its lasso. Pillar and made the scene. . It’s a really hard scene to do, especially when there are a lot of other actions and things to do in the rest of the day, and certainly very emotional for her. And Patty is really, really good at making sure that we have the space to really understand the scene and make it authentic, and then really push ourselves as actors to get there, and accept nothing less than the absolute truth. a stickler. “

For all that everyone can say Wonder Woman 1984, and there are a lot of them, don’t get me wrong you can’t deny how effective this scene really is. The fact that they brought Steve back might be one of the things that breaks the movie, but that scene and just about all of the scenes where Steve and Diana are really cute together are some of the best scenes in the movie. It’s because of Pine and Gadot and their chemistry, which is brought to the fore by Jenkins and the rest of the crew.

Plot: Fast forward to the 1980s as Wonder Woman’s next big-screen adventure finds her facing two all-new enemies: Max Lord and The Cheetah.

Wonder Woman 1984, directed by Patty jenkins, stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen, and Gabriella Wilde. It was released December 25 in theaters and on HBO Max.

About Kaitlyn Booth

Kaitlyn is the editor-in-chief of Bleeding Cool. She enjoys movies, television, and comics. She is a member of UFCA and GALECA. Feminist. Writer. Nerd. Follow her on Twitter @katiesmovies and @safaiagem on Instagram. She is also the co-host of The Nerd Dome podcast. Listen to it on

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