Chris Wallace nails GOP Senator John Barrasso, asks if his state would ‘benefit’ from Biden’s expense bill


Fox News presenter Chris Wallace confronted Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) on Sunday over the Republican lawmaker’s outspoken opposition to President Joe Biden’s reconciliation spending program, noting that the bill not only contains provisions that Barrasso has supported in the past, but that his state would also benefit massively from the bill.

As the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic Party continue to discuss the final details of the massive social policy spending bill, Republicans have remained united in opposing it. Interview Barrasso on Fox News Sunday, Wallace wondered aloud if this was all a political game for the Wyoming lawmaker and his GOP cohorts.

“As you point out, 19 of your fellow Republican senators voted for the bipartisan infrastructure plan in the Senate. You didn’t. You have called the reconciliation bill a freight train towards socialism. You and all Republicans were refusing the normal course – the bipartisan passage of raising the debt ceiling. So, I guess the question for you and a lot of Republicans is, do you consider these issues substantively or are you just engaging in partisan politics? “

Barrasso, for his part, said he supported much of what was in the bipartisan $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure deal, but believed it was “too spent” and that he was concerned “about the gadgets that were used to fund him”. He also claimed Republicans opposed the reconciliation plan because they “want to grow the economy” while Democrats want “to grow government.”

Turning his attention to the reconciliation bill, the Fox presenter noted that it contained an extension and increase in the child tax credit that Barrasso himself supported when he voted for cuts to tax of former President Donald Trump in 2017.

“Your state of Wyoming is one of the states that benefits the most from the increase in the child tax credit. Why oppose it? Wallace asked.

After the Tory senator began to complain about the spending bill’s current $ 3.5 trillion price tag, the Fox News Sunday moderator cut him off, pushing him on the specific details of the child tax credit .

“I guess part of the question is if you could have worked with them on that child tax credit you voted for in 2017?” It’s one of the things you’re voting against right now, ”Wallace continued. “Why oppose this program? “

Dodging the question, Barrasso insisted that you need to examine the bill’s “full balance” before complaining that the package requires more stringent IRS audit procedures.

“It is an invasion of privacy,” exclaimed the senator. “All senators have heard of it. This is also included.

Going beyond the child tax credit, Wallace then referred to another element of the spending bill that would help Barasso’s home state a bit.

“You talk about things you don’t like, like the added IRS agents and the added IRS intrusion,” the veteran presenter said. “Let’s talk about another part of the bill which is universal pre-kindergarten. “

He added, “In the state of Wyoming, less than a quarter of the 3- to 4-year-olds who would be covered by the bill are enrolled in a state-funded preschool. Less than a quarter. Wouldn’t many families in Wyoming benefit from universal preschool? “

Barrasso, however, couldn’t bring himself to give the president credit for anything.

“There are a number of things that would help Wyoming,” he grumbled. “Overall, Joe Biden’s policies have hurt the people of Wyoming.”

The Republican senator then complained that although progressives want to provide Americans with free community colleges, preschools and child care, that is “not how our country was founded.”


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