Chrissy Teigen Complains About Being In ‘Cancellation Club’, Says She’s ‘Depressed’


Chrissy Teigen revealed on Wednesday that she was struggling after finding herself in what she calls the “cancellation club” following bullying charges against her in June.

“Canceling the club is a fascinating thing and I’ve learned a lot. Only a few understand it and it’s impossible to know until you’re there,” Teigen wrote on Instagram, with a photo of her stretched out legs. in loose jeans.

“And it’s hard to talk about it in that sense because obviously you look plaintive when you’ve clearly done something wrong. It really sucks. There’s no winning. But there is. there’s never one here anyway, “added the model and cookbook author.

Teigen, who posted photos from a family trip to Italy, wrote that going out “sucks and it doesn’t”, but “being home alone with my mind hurts my head.”

“I feel lost and I need to find my place, I need to get out of it, I desperately want to communicate with you guys instead of pretending everything is fine. I’m not used to anything else. !! ” she said.

Teigen, 35, posted a lengthy apology to Medium last month after Courtney Stodden, who is not binary and uses them / them pronouns, described cruel tweets and direct messages they received from Teigen when they were teenagers. Stodden’s reveal came during an interview in May with The Daily Beast.

Stodden, who married 51-year-old then interim coach Doug Hutchison, said Teigen sent messages telling them to “take a nap.”

“She wouldn’t just tweet publicly that she wanted me to ‘take a nap’ but privately tell me to kill myself,” Stodden said. “Things like, ‘I can’t wait for you to die.'”

Teigen admitted in her apology that she had bullied other people, describing herself as a troll.

Believing she was making harmless jokes, Teigen said she continued to send rude tweets to celebrities, believing it “made me cool” and was eager to join a “pop culture stack.”

“Why did I think there was an invisible psycho-celebrity formula that keeps anyone with more followers from feeling pain? How didn’t I realize my words were cruel? who gave me the right to say these things? ” she wrote.

Teigen said in her post that she publicly apologized to one person and was in the process of privately contacting other people she had hurt.

Farrah Abraham, one of the former teenage mothers featured on the MTV shows “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom,” later wrote in her own article on Medium that she was among those publicly harassed by Teigen.

Fashion designer Michael Costello also posted apparent screenshots of Teigen’s 2014 attacks. But Teigen and her husband John Legend said screenshots from a direct message exchange were fabricated.

Insider discovered that a missing blue verification checkmark, different background colors, and a video chat icon that wouldn’t have been there in 2014 proved the screenshots to be fake.

Macy’s removed the Teigen cookware line from its website in the aftermath.

And Teigen dropped out of a voice role for the Netflix teen series “Never Have I Ever.” Model Gigi Hadid filled the spot, according to reports and tweets from Hadid and Netflix Thursday during the premiere of the second season.

Teigen concluded her article by saying that she needed “some honest time” with her 35 million followers.

“I’m just… tired of being sick of myself all day. I don’t even know if it’s okay to say all this because it’s going to be brutally taken apart but I don’t know. I can’t do it. that silent — more! ” she wrote. “If you or someone you know has also been canceled, please let me know if there is a club meeting cancellation as I could use some time off my couch!”


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