Christopher Hasson, a Coast Guard officer, was a nihilist and nothing proves he was a supporter of Trump.


RAfter hearing about the arrest of whimsical Coast Guard officer Christopher Hasson last week, you may have the impression that he was a vague supporter of President Trump. This is the reason why I have read the court's complete file in order to discover the truth. Indeed, there is not really any evidence that he was.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezski as a couple on MSNBC shouted to one of their guests Thursday, insistent (without any proof!) The fact that Hasson's unrealized plans to kill a group of Democrats and media journalists were directly inspired by a devotion to Trump. (Certainly, the explosion has less to do with the legitimate concern for political violence and more in Scarborough and Brzezinski start talking to themselves.)

Scarborough would have been one of the people targeted by Hasson. According to the court record, on December 27, Hasson reportedly searched Scarborough on the Internet after reading an article that described Scarborough as "worse than ever". Hasson then added Scarborough's name to a spreadsheet containing Democratic profile names and other media personalities.

Trump's name is mentioned twice in court statements On Jan. 17 this year, Hasson searched the internet among his searches "what if Trump is illegally dismissed" and "the civil war if Trump is dismissed ".

These details appeared in the articles about the Hasson arrest by the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News and others. But the motive of Hasson's unrealized brutal plan for "total destruction" was not Trump or whatever Trump said. The court document shows that it was a racial concern and a nihilistic view that had no clear attachment to politics, apart from the fact that it was not a political affair. an unspecified antipathy for "liberal / globalist ideology".

In other words, Hasson was crazy.

According to prosecutors, Hasson wrote in an email written on June 2, 2017: "I dream of a way to kill almost all human beings on earth," although he has lucidly recognized that he would probably need "unintentional help from another power / country. "He blames" liberalist / globalist ideology "for" destroying traditional peoples[ecially] "White".

His favorite method for what he called "complete destruction" was a massive plague of disease or poison.

Later in the email, he writes, "To read and receive education, you have to move into a friendly zone and start organizing yourself. Get leadership within the community, sheriff, city manager, mayor, lawyer? "(It is unclear whether his campaign for the city controller will begin before or after the extermination of liberals / globalists.)

He also says that he wants to "start small" by learning "basic chemistry".

Then you arrive at the part of the e-mail that gives meaning to his interest in the eventual removal of Trump or for a civil war resulting from his presidency.

Hasson wrote, "Look for tactics used during the Ukrainian Civil War. During the troubles, target both sides to increase the tension. In other words, to encourage the government / police to overreact, which should contribute to an escalation of violence. BLM demonstrations or other bullshit on the left would be ideal for inciting violence. "

Hasson did not care about Trump. He was looking for a catalyst that would help him bring his imagination to fruition, including shooting at liberals, becoming sheriff of the city and learning the periodic table.

According to the court record, in September 2017, Hasson wrote to a "known American neo-Nazi American leader" to tell him, "We need a white homeland …". The document makes it clear that the true inspiration of Hasson's ideas (as they were) and his stockpiles of firearms and ammunition constituted the 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway led by Anders Behring Breivik.

Prosecutors said that "from the beginning of 2017 to the date of his arrest [Feb. 15]the defendant has regularly consulted extracts from the Breivik Manifesto directing a potential abuser to collect appropriate firearms, food, disguises and coping equipment. "

The president is mentioned nowhere apart from Trump's two searches and dismissal or civil war led by Hasson. There was Scarborough's research after the host criticized Trump, but this only indicates that Hasson simply used Trump's critique as a means of determining who fits his fuzzy "liberal / globalist" idea.

Hasson has not said anything about "false news", nothing that makes America bigger. It fed only hatred for non-whites, a faint hope of one day being able to kill a large number of "liberals / globalists" and aspiring to run for office in the state.

On his show Thursday, Scarborough also claimed (with no evidence!) That the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh Synagogue, which killed 11 people, was executed by a Trump lover. In fact, this guy hated Trump, calling him a "globalist" with an affinity for Jews.

Scarborough lies about Hasson, and the shooting in the synagogue. Do not let him, or anyone in the media, get away with it.


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