Christy Carlson Romano says she’s not talking to Shia LaBeouf – The Hollywood Reporter


18 years after the final of the Disney Channel classic Even Stevens, star Christy Carlson Romano talks about her relationship with her onscreen brother LaBeouf.

At the start of a video posted to his YouTube channel on Tuesday, Romano begins, “Everyone always asks me this question, if we are still in touch, if we are still friends. To be honest, I don’t even really know if we’ve ever been really friends, but we were colleagues.

Romano and LaBeouf starred in the sitcom together Even Stevens which aired for three seasons from 2000 to 2003. In the show, Romano played the studious older sister named Ren while LaBeouf portrayed the rowdy Louis who was always in trouble and irritated his sister.

“We had that kind of really good chemistry on screen,” Romano continued. She said their acting was so believable that people thought they were actually siblings although they weren’t close behind the scenes.

To concern honey boy and it’s like he’s a young man completely traumatized at the same time that I was working with him“said Romano in the 10-minute explanation titled “Why I’m not talking to Shia LaBeouf”. LaBeouf wrote and starred in the 2019 film honey boy who detailed his difficult childhood and his relationship with his father.

Romano admitted that she was unaware of LaBeouf’s struggles at home. “I didn’t know a lot of stories about where they lived at that time and the hardships they had seen and stuff like that, ”she shared. “I kick myself because I really wish if I had known something about her that I could have been, I don’t know, more patient?”

She added that she was “facing my own drama” at the time.

Romano recalled a specific moment in their past that “hurt” her. She said that when LaBeouf won an Emmy in 2003 for Outstanding Performer in a Children’s Series, he recognized everyone at his table except her. She said, “I was injured at the time because I felt like from day one it was him and me. It was like, our show.

The Kim possible the actress revealed that she hadn’t watched LaBeouf’s movies after Even Stevens ended. She felt “a little salty” and “a little abandoned” that he had become a rising star in Hollywood when she chose to go to college.

Still, Romano believes the couple’s experience as childhood actors gives them an “undeniable bond.”

She ended the video by saying: “Shia, if you see this, know that I love you. I’m sorry we didn’t connect well when we were kids. And I hope you take it one day at a time… Be well, because I will always love you.

Watch Romano explain his relationship, or lack thereof, with LaBeouf below.


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