Chrome 75 enhances the dark theme, adds a password generator, allows web applications to share files, and more.


A little over a month has passed since the last major release of Chrome and, as expected, version 76 has arrived on all platforms. The Android version, in particular, presents some interesting improvements, including a feature that was originally unsuccessful in 2017. Let's move on to action!

Update of the dark theme

Chrome 74 brought the first version of the dark theme of the Android app, but it was significantly improved in the v75. First of all, it does not seem to require the activation of a flag anymore. the "Themes" page should be visible by default in the Chrome settings. Chrome 75 also allows you to force the lighting mode to be activated at any time if you want to replace the dark mode of your phone.

Left: Chrome 74; Right: Chrome 75

In addition, the main complaint regarding the dark mode of Chrome has been addressed. the text on the titles of the tabs is finally white, to be readable on the gray background.

Left: Chrome 74; Right: Chrome 75

Despite these improvements, the sites themselves do not change color in dark mode. The CSS multimedia request prefers-color-scheme, which tells sites to change their appearance based on the theme of the device, does not reach Chrome before v76. The mode that reverses the colors of the page is not activated either by default, you must always enable the option # enable-android-web-content-dark-mode.

Password generator

Since 2017, Google has said that Chrome for Android would eventually have a password generator, and that this feature is finally here. When you tap a password entry box, a new password bar appears at the bottom of the screen. Press the key to display all your saved passwords for the current site. The "Suggest a strong password" button will automatically create one for you.

It's great to finally see this feature happen in Chrome, because the use of randomly generated unique passwords can reduce the damage that hacked sites can cause to your digital life.

Web Sharing API Level 2

The Web Sharing API was originally deployed in Chrome 61 and gave webpages the ability to share text and URLs to native Android apps for the first time. However, web pages still can not share files (such as images) with the help of this feature. Chrome 75 supports Level 2 & # 39; Web sharing API, which solves this problem.

A demonstration of the existing Web Share API

In a process similar to the existing Web Share API, applications can define a file (or list of files) to share. When you click / tap an application button, the Android Sharing dialog box appears, as for native apps. For example, an image gallery Web application may add a button to share an image file with another application.

The only problem is that even though web applications can now to send files, they still can not to receive them from other web / native applications. This will be part of the Level 2 web-sharing target API, which should happen in Chrome 76. That said, it's nice to see web applications continue to become top-notch citizens on Android.

Other features

As always, Chrome 75 includes changes for users and developers. Here are some smaller features provided with this update:

  • Developers have more options for web animations, with enhancements to the Web Animation API.
  • Synchronous network requests when closing a page are blocked.
  • Web pages can check if your device supports a specified size, sampling rate, latency, and number of channels for audio playback.
  • New "overscroll" and "scrollend" events allow web pages to determine when content is flown over or when scrolling is complete. This can help to create better extraction animations, for example.
  • The service technicians appear in Chrome's task manager.
  • The Web Authentication API supports the confidential codes of "keys implementing the FIDO CTAP2 protocol".
  • A new feature is being developed to freeze iframes (most of the built-in ads, videos, etc.) when the user scrolls them.
  • The canvas.getContext () method supports a desynchronized flag, which could speed up web applications that rely on image or video processing.


The APK is signed by Google and upgrades your existing application. The cryptographic signature ensures that the file can be safely installed and has not been tampered with in any way. Rather than wait for Google to transfer this download to your devices, which may take days, download it and install it as any other APK.

Note: Most versions of Chrome APK use sets of apps that APKMirror does not yet support. As a result, only a few variants are available for download.

Google Chrome: Fast & Secure
Google Chrome: Fast & Secure


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