Chrome OS, applications and the future of computing


This week, we find ourselves facing a post-Google I / O hangover. We're talking about a ton of news that has happened since the event and some pretty important events that happened after the podcast of the last week at I / O. The big talk continued to swirl around Hiroshi Lockheimer's rather optimistic perspective that Chrome OS is positioned as the future of computing for Google. With this in mind, we have discussed at length what this means, both from the point of view of the application and the point of view of the user.

We also touched on a lot of things that came out last week, including the death of Campfire (Windows dual boot for Chrome OS), the new Intel Zombieload Attack, a somewhat plausible observation of Pixelbook 2, smaller Chrome OS tablets, and Sonos finally managed to add the Google wizard to its already fantastic range of speakers.



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