Chrome will soon allow you to activate a first HTTPS mode


Google is working to make browsing more secure by offering an HTTPS First option soon, which will attempt to upgrade page loads to HTTPS, the company said on Wednesday. If you enable this option, the browser will also display a full page warning when you try to load a site that does not support HTTPS. The company also announces that it is “re-examining” the lock icon in the URL bar and plans to experiment with a change in its appearance.

HTTPS is a more secure version of HTTP (yes, the “S” stands for “secure”), and many websites you visit every day probably already support it. Since HTTPS encrypts your traffic, it is a useful privacy tool when using a public Wi-Fi network or to prevent your ISP from spying on your browsing content.

Google has encouraged the adoption of HTTPS with actions such as marking unsecured sites with an “Unsafe” label in the URL bar and using https: // in the default address bar when you enter a URL. For now, this HTTPS-First mode will only be an option, but the company says it will “explore” making the mode the default mode in the future.

HTTPS-First Mode will be available from Chrome 94, according to Google. Currently, this release is scheduled for September 21. And HTTP connections will still be supported, according to the company.

Regarding the experience with the lock icon, I’ll let Google explain what the potential issue is with the icon, from a blog post:

As we approach a future HTTPS, we’re also revisiting the lock icon that browsers typically display when a site loads over HTTPS. In particular, our research indicates that users often associate this icon with a to place be trustworthy, when in fact it is only the link It’s safe. In a recent study, we found that only 11% of participants could correctly identify the meaning of the lock icon.

So, starting with Chrome 93, the company plans to swap the lock icon with a downward-facing arrow as part of an experiment. To me, an arrow looks like something you might feel more encouraged to click than a padlock to learn more about your connection, so I can see the reason for the change. Here’s a GIF of what you can expect to see:

Even if the lock turns into an arrow, Google will still show the “Not Secure” label for sites that are not secure, the company said.


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