Chronicle of 'The Spy & # 39; – CNN


Filmed in faded tones, and written and directed by Gideon Raff ("Homeland"), the six-episode project shows Cohen as Eli Cohen, an Israeli Mossad agent who infiltrated into the Syrian government, being persuaded enough by its leaders access to their secrets, although at a high cost to him and his family.

There is, of course, a certain level of clich̩ built into the premise, starting with Eli 's Mossad' s manager, Dan Peleg (Noah Emmerich of the "Americans"), who is also struggling with the culprit of the day. an agent that he lost in similar circumstances. as the toll on the wife of Eli (Hadar Ratzon Rotem), that he must deceive Рwith everyone Рbut the very nature of her husband's activities abroad.

Nevertheless, "The Spy" provides a type of spy more John Le Carre, where the threat of exposure and death is played against a backdrop of little tricks and feints. In Eli's case, he plays his cards by posing as a wealthy businessman, seeking to win the favor of military and government leaders and, if necessary, play against each other.

Sacha Baron Cohen (center) in & # 39; The Spy & # 39;

The common thread, meanwhile, is the psychological profile of Eli, which tells Dan that he is so eager to prove his worth that he is willing to take extraordinary risks. In addition, he works in the field with very little contact with his bosses (the nature of the communication of the 1960s poses problems in this area), which forces him to make a series of decisions.

The most amazing part of this story, however, is the length of Cohen's act, which has spent years in the higher echelons of Syrian society. "The Spy" accounts for both the personal and psychological consequences of this situation, as reported in episodes that often last several months after the end of the previous one.

Cohen (who also produced the project) did his part of the conventional actor, including roles in "The Miserables" and "The Dictator". Yet, for those who know him only for his incredible unannounced talent in "Who is America?", "Borat" or "Da Ali G Show", it will be a revelation to see him so deeply inhabit a dramatic part, with the personality change that Eli has to undergo when he enters Syria.

In the process, he provides a solid addition to this filmography, which raises the question "Who is Sacha Baron Cohen?" a more complicated target.

"The Spy" comes out on September 6th on Netflix.


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