Cindy McCain: John McCain ‘would be very happy’ with Joe Biden’s victory


“I think my husband would be very happy,” Cindy McCain, who endorsed the former vice president and is part of her transition team, Monday told CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

“We were good friends with the Bidens,” she continued. “And I just know he looks down and says, ‘You did the right thing.'”

McCain, who was featured in a video released at the Democratic National Convention, relied heavily on Biden’s character and empathy in her support and said she hoped to reach out to suburban women who didn’t know how -be not who to support. She also appeared in an October commercial for the Biden campaign, claiming that he “would always fight for the American people, just like John did.”
Trump frequently attacked John McCain by name, including in 2015, when he said he did not view McCain as a war hero because he preferred the military who were not captured. He again sued the late senator after Cindy McCain’s announcement, criticizing him for “endless wars” and the state of the veterans administration.

Cindy McCain said on Monday that she believed Biden could keep his promise to unify the nation.

When asked if she thought Biden’s commitment to working across the aisle to get things done was possible in the current political climate, she replied, “Yes, really. I wouldn’t have supported Vice President Biden if I had thought … anything other than that. “

She noted that Biden and her late husband had the experience “of working directly across the aisle, disagreeing a lot, but they were able to get things done because they did for the good of the country. “.

“That’s the difference between President-elect Biden compared to this White House,” she said. “I believe they can get things done and I also think they are going to heal the country by working this way – and of course that is what we all want.”


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