Classic AMA recap of Reddit in World of Warcraft


Classic AMA summary of Reddit in World of Warcraft -

Yesterday, the Blizzard team hosted an AMA on the World of Warcraft Classic Subreddit. There, the team answered questions about the upcoming release of WoW Classic, addressing all, potential microtransactions to performance problems.

The community's questions varied, among other things, about the size of the population and the plans put in place to ensure a smooth launch. When asked how Blizzard could handle a larger population than expected the morning of WoW ClassicBlizzard responded by saying that they already had some plans in their heads, including possibly offering free transfers right after their launch to help reduce overcrowding. .

"We have put in place contingency plans to quickly bring in additional areas if needed, and we can also integrate character transfers (it has finally turned into an original service). Sensational.)

As you can imagine, it's hard for us to determine how many people will play Classic and continue to enjoy the highest level of content. Ultimately, we want to see areas with healthy and stable populations and try to meet the demand without inadvertently creating areas of low population.

Other redditors have discussed the possibility of character boosters and other microtransaction style systems being introduced into WoW Classic. Aside from server transfers, Blizzard does not plan to do so at this time.

A full report of AMA Reddit has been published on the WoW Classic forums. Stay tuned on Monday as Robin breaks down more and more of WADA and other topics leading up to WoW Classic throw in it Warcraft column.

Joseph Bradford / Joseph has written or podcasted games in one form or another since about 2012. After writing for several department stores such as IGN, Playboy, etc., Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he does not write or talk about games, you can usually find him with his 10-year-old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, do not make him understand why the Balrogs * do not have * wings. You can find it on Twitter @LotrLore


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