Clay Travis denounces ‘ridiculous’ Texas Democrats over ‘pathetic’ care package request


Outkick founder and radio host Clay Travis joined “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in speaking out on Democrats in Texas’ demand for people to send them care packages.

TRAVIS CLAY: You know what? I think it would be fantastic if Republicans sent a lot of packages and maybe included the Constitution of the United States as a nice farewell gift. Look, I went to college in Washington, DC – the best I can remember is that it’s pretty easy to walk outside. There is a CVS on every corner. The idea that these taxpayer-funded politicians would also ask taxpayers to provide them with free materials is an old idea of ​​Democrats in 2021 and it reminds me a bit little— I had a few children who went to sleep at the camp here during the summer. We sent them care packages. I didn’t think Democrats would have the same list of demands as my 10-year-old, but go figure. They have the exact same requests and they are just as pathetic as you might imagine for adults begging for handouts, but it fits the Democratic Party perfectly today.

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Yes they don’t overlap much and no, we drove him to his summer camp and by the way dropped off the care package when we dropped it off. He thought it was pretty cool to have a care package. I’m sure there are a lot of parents and grandparents who have done this for their kids, but if you start asking for a care package and you’re an elected official and a politician, that’s a really big deal. accusation of your decision making. By the way, as you pointed out, the private plane and the fact that they can go home at any time, all of this conspires to make the Democrats in Texas even more ridiculous than they have been. already done and I didn’t think it was possible.



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