Clean Water Regulation repealed by the EPA


The EPA Administrator, Andrew Wheeler, said the repeal of the rule figured "tops the list" of items that the administration wanted to delete because it 's safe. was acting out of a "blatant takeover".

Wheeler made the announcement to the National Association of Manufacturers, a Washington-based professional group that had lobbied against the Obama regime and whose legal arm had already filed a lawsuit to block it.

Jay Timmons, CEO of NAM, introduced Wheeler and said dismantling is a "big achievement for manufacturers".

The 2015 regulation, commonly known as WOTUS, defined the water masses protected by the federal law on water sanitation but was a favorite hitting bag of Republicans who ridiculed him. as excessive government action. Democrats have defended it if necessary to ensure that waterways remain free of pollution.

The next step for the Trump administration is to finalize its alternative settlement proposal.

Environmental groups are planning the move and promising new legal challenges.

"The unrestrained attempts of the Trump administration to reward polluters," said Jon Devine, of the Natural Resources Defense Council, "know no bounds, so it repeals these important protections regardless of the law or science. "


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