Clemson's Etienne Travis rebounds after a brutal blow against Syracuse | Clemson


SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Clemson was driving, as well as Travis Etienne. Indeed, the junior midfielder had clear access to the end zone on Saturday in the first quarter. Then, on the 2-yard line of Syracuse, Etienne met his match.

The back of the orange defense, Andre Cisco, led from his right shoulder, lifting Etienne to the ground, seeming to connect with Etienne's neck or head. Etienne lied on the Carrier Dome's lawn for a few moments, looking up at the light, while Clemson's quarterback, Trevor Lawrence, turned to the sideline and asked for medical assistance.

Etienne left the field on his own and running back Lyn-J Dixon took his place in the backfield for the remainder of the course, until Lawrence headed to the left and entered the box. goals to score a goal and a 14 The Tigers in tip.

Etienne's status was quick to emerge. Although having absorbed a hard blow, Etienne was back in the match for Clemson's pursuit, even though he was running the ball several times.

Clemson vs. Syracuse: The four keys to victory for the best tigers in Syracuse

What appeared to be a fear of injury for Clemson and Etienne turned out to be a false alarm.

Sales of Syracuse

Earlier in the week, we thought the tickets sold for Saturday's contest and it was the first sale of a football game at Carrier Dome since 1998.

Indeed, the faithful Orange came in force, offering Clemson an atmosphere she had not met this season. At the time of sending, there was hardly any open space in the Dome, with an orange sea – and not the sympathetic Clemson type – filling the room.

The Dome rocked throughout the game, especially early when Clemson scored for his first training. The Tigers had a 14-0 lead, but the Syracuse supporters present maintained the noise level. Less than two years ago, Orange was thwarted at the time. 2 Clemson in the Dome, and fans of Syracuse, Saturday, were thirsty for another decisive victory.

Big first half for Tee Higgins

Wide receiver Tee Higgins had a good start to the season in the first two games, recording four assists each against Georgia Tech and Texas A & M, scoring a touchdown in the opening game.

The 6-4 juniors went into high gear on Saturday. At halftime, Higgins had already caught seven catches for 150 yards, including a 58-yard reception in the middle of the second quarter. Higgins caught the quarterback Trevor Lawrence's ball on the left sideline, before moving his body and flying across the field.

A 15-yard penalty on Clemson pushed coach Dabo Swinney's team to return to Orange's 23-yard line, possibly preventing another Tigers hit, but Clemson has took a 14-point lead on a 40-yard BT Potier placement.

Interception for interception

Conditions were in place for Syracuse to make things more interesting early in the third quarter. After 11 minutes behind schedule, Orange forced Lawrence to make his fourth interception of the season and took over the 9-meter Clemson line. The fans of the house exploded.

The good vibrations would not last, though, as Orange quarterback Tommy DeVito gave the ball to the Tigers, putting it in the coverage area while he was shot down in the first game of Syracuse.

The pass was intercepted by Clemson's half-corner, Mario Goodrich, and three games later, Lawrence found wide receiver Amari Rodgers for an 87-yard touchdown.

Follow Joshua Needelman on Twitter @joshneedelman.


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