‘Clinton indictment’ opens wide plot to collusion with Russia, senior GOP investigator says


Cybersecurity attorney indicted this week by a grand jury in connection with Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation could end up being the ‘downfall guy’ for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, one warned. senior House Republican.

Rep. Devin Nunes, a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Newsmax on Thursday that there was evidence of a large collusion plot with Russia – allegations the congressman’s team investigated and referred to the ministry. of Justice. But, he warned, the Clintons “have a long history of missing lawyers and agents.”

Michael Sussmann, a former attorney for Perkins Coie, is accused of falsely telling the senior FBI attorney he had no clients when he represented a tech executive and the Clinton campaign at a meeting in September 2016 on possible links between former President Donald Trump and Russia. Sussmann pleaded not guilty to a lying charge to the FBI on Friday, with attorneys insisting he never said he had no clients and was only representing the chief technology officer at the time. of the meeting five years ago.


Law firm Perkins Coie has previously been linked to the Russian case. Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign manager, said in 2017 he allowed Marc Elias – another lawyer who until recently worked for Perkins Coie – to hire an outside company to dig up the relationship Trump’s deal with Russia in 2016. This led to ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s discredited anti-Trump case.

Nunes argued that the evidence in the 27-page “slam dunk” indictment contains strong evidence showing that Sussmann was instrumental in helping the Clinton team develop the narrative, according to Nunes. which there was a secret channel between the Russian bank Alfa Bank and the Trump organization. The FBI investigated the allegations and could not find any evidence to support them, but not until the media reported on the allegations and the Clinton campaign. promoted them before the 2016 presidential election.

Beyond the “circumstantial evidence” the California Republican said he already had, Nunes added, “We now have emails and communications, and clearly Durham has done interviews about it.”

The indictment alleges that Elias, who was the general counsel for the Clinton campaign, exchanged emails with the “campaign manager, communications director and foreign policy adviser” about the allegations. Russian bank, among other allegations.

“I hope this is just the first of several other indictments,” Nunes said, adding that there were government officials he still wanted to be held to account. But he stressed that the new indictment does not look good for members of the Clinton campaign and others involved, some of whom have made their way into the Biden administration, such as the House’s national security adviser. Blanche, Jake Sullivan.

Nunes said Durham was “circling the wagons” and would be “surprised” if Sussmann failed to come to a plea deal.

“There was a plot here,” Nunes said. “You’ve heard me talk about this for many, many years. The Clinton campaign conspired with some really bad agents and bad actors in the FBI and other places. So that guy you lied to the FBI. We know that people conspired to do this. Conspiracy is a major charge, and it can be very, very broad. That’s what I’d like to see – was that the only guy who did it? he is going to be the fall guy for the Clinton campaign? We saw that in history, remember? We saw people in history being the fall guy for the Clintons . “

Durham was an American attorney appointed by former Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia inquiry and was granted special adviser status last year to continue his work with the Biden administration.

Hillary Clinton waves to her supporters during a 2016 presidential primary election night rally (AP Photo / Julio Cortez)

Durham’s efforts have long been criticized by Democrats and legal watchers who claim the probe is intended to undermine Robert Mueller’s special counsel’s investigation into alleged links between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Yet Trump and his allies have championed it as a way to weed out corrupt officials to settle political scores.


Mueller’s team couldn’t find a criminal plot between Trump’s successful campaign and Russia. However, his report described 10 cases of possible obstruction of justice that Democrats seized as a roadmap to impeachment. The investigation also led to several convictions and guilty pleas of Trump associates on charges unrelated to collusion with Russia.

In more than two years of investigating, Durham and his team have not brought any conspiracy charges. So far, Durham has only obtained one guilty plea from former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted to modifying an email regarding a Trump campaign aide under government surveillance.

Recent reports suggest the prosecutor is considering criminal charges against lower-level FBI agents and others as he investigates information provided to the FBI in 2016 that spurred the Trump-Russia investigation.

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Key words: News, Hillary Clinton, Devin Nunes, Congress, John Durham, Department of Justice

Original author: Daniel Chaitin

Original location: ‘Clinton indictment’ opens wide plot to collusion with Russia, senior GOP investigator says


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