Clinton lingers an hour at the fake Resolute office while reading his e-mails


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sat in front of a replica of the Resolute office to read her old emails for an hour as part of an Italian art exhibition.

Clinton went on Tuesday to the Venice Teatro Italia in Venice to be part of the exhibition created by artist Kenneth Goldsmith. Titled "HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails", the exhibition featured a faux oval Resolute Desk with over 60,000 pages of confidential Clinton emails, printed, bound and intended to be read by anyone.

"This exhibition is further proof that nothing can be found false or controversial in these emails, making them accessible to all and allowing everyone to read them," Clinton said. m said in a report. "They are so boring."

Francesco Urbano Ragazzi organized the exhibition where the exhibition by e-mail was revealed.

"In the digital age, making these documents available to all in a tactile format is a way to focus on something concrete to get out of the intangible toxicity of ideological narratives," Ragazzi said in a statement.

"This exhibition is a way of referring to an alternative world that will never exist, we are happy that the real Hillary Clinton was part of this image full of possibilities," said Ragazzi. "While visiting Kenneth Goldsmith's HILLARY, she was not only in front of her e-mails, the show is a portrait of a powerful woman, but also a portrait of a historic shift in our understanding of notions such as transparency, propaganda, the public and private space. "


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