Clinton-Ukraine "big" and "unbelievable" allegations of collusion will be examined, Trump said


President Trump told Fox News in an interview Thursday night that Attorney General Bill Barr was dealing with the "unbelievable" and "big" new revelations that Ukrainian actors allegedly leaked damaging information to the president of the United States. campaign, Paul Manafort, to help The Hillary Clinton campaign.

Last month, the Attorney General of Ukraine, Yurii Lutsenko, opened an investigation into the so-called big ledger files that led Manafort to abruptly leave the Trump campaign. The investigation took place after an audio recording uncovered showed that a senior Ukrainian anti-corruption official had apparently admitted to disclosing financial information to Manafort in 2016 – including its links with pro-Russian actors in Ukraine – for the benefit of Clinton.

Ukrainian law enforcement officials said earlier this month that they had plenty of evidence of collusion and wrongdoing on the part of Democrats and that they were trying to share this information with US officials of the Department of Justice.

Facilitator Sean Hannity asked Trump if Americans should see the results of the ongoing investigation into whether officials from this country were working with the Clinton team. Trump replied, "I think we do it."

With this remark, Trump echoed his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday: "Keep an eye on Ukraine".


A Ukrainian court recently ruled that the Manafort flight was an illegal interference in the US elections.

The leak of damaging financial information about the links of the former president of the campaign with Trump, Paul Manafort, with pro-Russian actors in Ukraine led him to leave the team of Trump. Now he is the subject of a Ukrainian investigation on a possible collusion of Clinton.

The leak of damaging financial information about the links of the former president of the campaign with Trump, Paul Manafort, with pro-Russian actors in Ukraine led him to leave the team of Trump. Now he is the subject of a Ukrainian investigation on a possible collusion of Clinton.

In addition, a 2017 survey by Politico revealed that Ukrainian officials had not only publicly sought to undermine Trump by questioning his suitability for a job, but had also worked behind the scenes to secure Clinton's victory.

Among the other initiatives, Politico said, the Ukrainian government collaborated with a DNC consultant to conduct research on the opposition to Trump, including by attacking him at the same time. former president of the Trump campaign, Paul Manafort, for ties to Russia, contributing to his resignation.


"J & # 39; imagine [Barr] would like to see that, "said Trump, referring to the results of Ukraine's investigation into a possible Clinton-Ukraine collusion." I will certainly hand it over to the Attorney General, and we will see what he says about it. He calls them directly. "

Trump added: "It sounds like big, very interesting projects with Ukraine, I just spoke with the new president some time ago and I congratulated him … but that sounds like big projects and I'm not surprised. "

Trump also unloaded Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, former FBI officials, following a Fox News report published earlier in the day regarding newly disclosed internal text messages.

"Really, it's a coup d'etat, it's espionage."

– President Trump

The messages indicated that they were discussing the use of briefings with the Trump team after the 2016 election to identify the people they could "develop for potential relationships" , follow the interrogations and "evaluate" changes in "behavior" – the legislator of GOP language 1 called "more evidence" irregular conduct in the initial investigation in Russia.

"They were trying to infiltrate the administration," Trump told host Sean Hannity. "Really, it's a coup d'etat, it's spying." It's hard to believe in this country that we would have had that. "

Trump continued: "I think it's much bigger than Watergate, I think it's perhaps the biggest scandal in the political history of this country, maybe beyond beyond politics. "

Trump summed up the development as "very disconcerting" and pointed out that Strzok and Page were using their government-issued phones not only to exchange many anti-Trump text messages, but also to hide their extramarital affair from their spouses.

"They were raging to find something about the administration, which was obviously not there," Trump accused, calling Strzok and Page "two beauties," "lovers," and "sick, sick" who are "like children, when you look at them."

"They are trying to infiltrate the White House long after the election," Trump said. "It's a shame, I hope the Attorney General will do what's right and I believe he'll do it.It's perhaps the biggest scandal in the world." history of this country. "

FBI Deputy Director Peter Strzok sits to testify before the House Committees on Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform at a hearing on "Monitoring FBI and MJ surrounding the 2016 elections "at Capitol Hill, Thursday, July 12, 2018. in Washington. (AP Photo / Evan Vucci)

FBI Deputy Director Peter Strzok sits to testify before the House Committees on Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform at a hearing on "Monitoring FBI and MJ surrounding the 2016 elections "at Capitol Hill, Thursday, July 12, 2018. in Washington. (AP Photo / Evan Vucci)

As for his widely ridiculed tweet that Obama's intelligence services had been tapped by Trump Tower, which was followed a few months later by the revelation that the FBI had actually been monitoring one of its former advisors. Trump said his words were the product of a "little intuition" and "a little wisdom".


In addition, Trump had little confidence in Robert Mueller, saying the special council was perhaps "best friend" of former FBI director James Comey, whose dismissal had led to his appointment.

Trump also blamed Mueller for unnecessarily harming the careers of many of his team members.

Trump claimed that he had "refused" Mueller to head the FBI and that it was "in conflict" not only "because Comey and he were the best friends", but also because Trump "had an unpleasant commercial transaction "with Mueller. .

Without answering journalists' questions about the Mueller report, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump board Marine One to get to the Andrews Common Base, and then travel to her Palm Beach, Florida estate. at the White House in Washington, DC, Thursday, April 18, 2019. (Associated Press)

Without answering journalists' questions about the Mueller report, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump board Marine One to get to the Andrews Common Base, and then travel to her Palm Beach, Florida estate. at the White House in Washington, DC, Thursday, April 18, 2019. (Associated Press)

It was apparently a reference to an episode, mentioned in Mueller's report, in which Mueller was asking for a refund – apparently unsuccessfully – to Trump after being removed from his golf club.

But Trump said it was a "very good" sign that the New York Times had acknowledged in a recent article that there were credibility issues in the discredited file used by the FBI to justify the surveillance of one of his campaign collaborators.

The Times eventually joined a group of publications that have long questioned the truth of the matter, claiming that the document "funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee" was "likely to be the subject of 're-examination, possibly severe, of multiple investigations'.

The article noted that ex-British spy Christopher Steele was partially relying on Russian sources and that, paradoxically, the document could have been part of an effort of "Russian disinformation" to discredit Trump even while Moscow was pursuing Clinton.


Trump said the article hinted that skepticism about the case, once called denial, had entered the media, with Mueller's report revealing that "some of the most sensational claims in the case seemed to be false and others impossible to prove ".

As in his previous interview on "Hannity," Trump promised to declassify and publish not only the documents related to the warrants to monitor his campaign, and even more.

"Everything will be declassified, and more," said Trump. "Everything will be declassified."

"Everything will be declassified, and more, everything will be declassified."

– President Trump

In response to Joe Biden's entry into the 2020 presidential race, Trump has focused on economic growth and the success of health care for veterans under his administration, who "do not have to die more to queuing. "

Mr Biden mocked Thursday insisting that he had told former President Barack Obama not to subscribe to his candidacy.

"I know Joe over the years – he's not the brightest bulb in the group," Trump said. "But he has a name they know."


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