Clowney says OT Brown sold it in Seattle


RENTON, Wash. – The deal that brought Jadeveon Clowney to the Seattle Seahawks failed, according to coach Pete Carroll. The radar of the general manager, John Schneider, had been watching him for several months before being finalized this weekend.

In the meantime, a major phone call from Duane Brown helped to make it happen.

Brown selling Clowney over the city and the team helped the Seahawks capture the Pro Bowl passport, closing six full months in which he had been tagged by a Houston Houston Texts franchise. and met the Miami Dolphins before the Seattle win.

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"Whew," said Clowney when asked how much of the process that led to Seattle was crazy. "Really crazy."

He spoke to reporters Monday after removing the No. 91 jersey that he wore during his first training with the team, a number higher than the one he wore during his five seasons at Houston. Carroll said Clowney was in contention for Sunday's first game against visitors Cincinnati Bengals.

"He is a rare football player," said Carroll to Clowney, who has played in three consecutive pro Bowls games and totaled 18.5 sacks in the past two seasons. "He has special skills that most guys just do not have, it's a great speed, his reaction time, the length that he can use, his ability to run, his instincts." has been playing a lot of games in the backfield over the years, instinctive, penetrating and problem-solving games, and we plan to allow him to do that in our schema, which is fine with what we're doing. very good fit, whether it's the third or the first of the downs, a lot got what you're looking for. "

About a month ago, Clowney had received a call from Brown, his teammate in Houston, since his rookie season in 2014 when Brown was transferred to Seattle at the trading deadline in 2017. Clowney told him asked how he felt good in Seattle.

He said, "You must come play with us. You will love this. A beautiful weather. It's not hot like in Houston. An excellent supporter support. Other excellent teammates on this team. Come be part of something great, "" Clowney recalled. "I was like, 'Dude, you know what? I'm going to take care of that, try to get on with you guys."

to play


Texans head coach Bill O 'Brien is happy to have added "confirmed players to his roster" despite three high draft picks.

And as a player with a franchise tag that had not yet signed his bid – in other words, he was not under contract and could not be traded before he was – Clowney had a lot to say about the fate he was going to get. It was the idea from the beginning.

"I really tried to take control of what I could control, to the extent that I could play and how I could be exchanged, as far as possible," he said. "I was just taking this into consideration.It was like:" If I do not sign the label, I might be able to decide where I'll end up going. " , and I'm somewhere that I wanted to be, that's what happened. "

In addition to giving his hiring pitch, Brown gave Seahawks approval to Clowney. Specifically, Carroll said that Brown had vouched for Clowney's work ethic, subject to issues earlier in his career.

"Without a doubt, Duane helped us throughout the process to let us know who we are dealing with and the player against whom he was training before, as well as his abilities, his habits, his background, his family" Carroll said. "We really had a lot of information because of Duane."

Duane Brown was Jadeveon Clowney's teammate in Houston for more than three seasons and played a pivotal role in recruiting the Seattle defenseman. Kirby Lee / USA TODAY Sports

Adam Schefter of ESPN said the Texans had paid Clowney a $ 7 million signing bonus and that the Seahawks were paying him only $ 8 million. Carroll confirmed Schefter's report that the Seahawks had agreed not to franchise Clowney, 26, at the end of the season, calling it something they had to do to reach an agreement. He praised Schneider's persistence in his pursuit of Clowney and the work he and Vice President of Football Administration Matt Thomas have done to complete the deal with all moving parts around the Saturday deadline. afternoon allowing teams to set their alignment at 53.

"There was about 20 seconds before 1 pm [Sunday], "he said." It was just at the zenith. We are very far from Houston and many things could happen between the two and, in fact, we are all sitting in the office up there. J.D. is there with his agent, Matt and John and me. We sit and watch the clock, waiting for the word to come back. So that was really, there was a lot of drama to that. It was fun so we could get there and, in fact, we did not know it until the end. "

Clowney quoted the call to play with Russell Wilson is a factor of desire to join the Seahawks, in addition to playing in the 4-3 defense. Clowney – on the list of Seattle players at 6-foot-5 and 255 pounds – said he could put on weight knowing that he would not have to take cover, as he He has often done as a linebacker in Houston 3-4. .

Carroll stated that there was "no doubt that he was really fit" according to what he had seen from Clowney to the present day. Clowney has been training for the bulk of the off season in Miami and most recently in Houston.

"I know Jadeveon was really worried about being ready for the upcoming season," Carroll said. "He would tell you that he has put together the best season he's ever had … He was really healthy throughout the process." He was in great shape at that "Everything is really positive."

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Carroll said that there was "no doubt" a chance that Clowney would be part of Seattle's plans beyond 2019. Clowney countered on this point when he was questioned about it, claiming that he did not think so far.

"I always try to find out where the cafeteria is and where the locker room is," he laughs. "Everything is confusing."

Clowney 's first priority: to be in tune with the Seattle plan in time to be able to play Sunday, when it will align with the opposite of a newcomer Ziggy Ansah, provided that neither one nor the other player has any setbacks in practice this week.

When asked if he could have imagined that his situation was working better than when he had decided to leave Houston, Clowney proposed a clarification.

"I do not think I've decided that," he says. "They decided that, I did not have a word to say, so that I was holding the cards from where I was finishing. [up] will play. They decided to take me out.

"But as I said, I'm grateful for the opportunity I had in Houston.They put me in the front row.Great opportunities there.J & # 39; I have met some excellent members of this staff and excellent teammates.I am just happy to be part of this team now.I just try to look forward.I do not look back. "


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