CNN condemns Cruz over Cancun for criticizing journalist in Afghanistan


CNN tore the senator apart. Ted cruzRafael (Ted) Edward Cruz Biden Senate candidate backlog frustrates White House Cotton’s Tim Scott inside track to oppose Iowa GOP candidate amid 2024 speculation MORE (R-Texas) on Monday for his criticism of his chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward, who reports from Kabul after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan.

The network referred to Cruz’s trip to Cancun earlier this year during a terrible winter storm in Texas to castigate the senator for his criticism of Ward.

“Rather than running to Cancun in tough times, [CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward] risks his life to tell the world what’s going on, “the network said in response to a tweet Cruz sent earlier today.” It’s called bravery. Instead of RTing a conspiracy theorist’s misleading phrase, maybe your time would be better spent helping Americans in danger. “

Ward, who wore traditional and conservative Islamic clothing while interviewing people on the streets of Kabul, had been criticized by conservatives for selectively edited remarks that appeared to suggest she was not criticizing the Taliban.

In his tweet, the Texas senator shared with his supporters an excerpt from Ward’s report from Kabul that aired Monday morning and asked: “Is there an enemy of America that CNN WOULD NOT pom-pom girl? ”

The eight-second clip that Cruz posted was part of an almost three-minute segment in which Ward reported on the Taliban takeover of the Afghan capital. At one point in his reporting, Ward described the scene outside the US consulate in Kabul saying “they are chanting Death to America but they seem friendly at the same time. It is quite weird.

While some conservatives have used this bite to target Ward’s reporting, the conservative Hot Air site noted that Ward is a seasoned journalist who has offered a real look at what’s going on in Kabul.

“Watch the full segment below and you’ll see it doesn’t whitewash the Taliban,” he wrote. “She is keen to show how a group of them forced her to ‘stay away’ because she is a woman. She tells presenters there are fewer women on the streets of Kabul today and those outside are wearing the burqa, it’s obvious She also doesn’t spare the chaos sparked by Biden’s terrible withdrawal plans, noting that there are no plans in place to evacuate the American allies trapped in the city and that American troops are barely able to maintain order at the airport. “

CNN’s reprimand of Cruz referred to an episode earlier this year where he was photographed at an airport flying to Cancun as his home state of Texas suffered widespread power outages following a major storm that rocked the state.

Cruz then apologized for the episode, calling it a mistake.

The fall of Kabul has caused panic and terror in the streets, several media reported, especially among the women.

A Taliban fighter who agreed to speak with Ward told him “America has already spent enough time in Afghanistan.“, and said of the American forces:” They have to go, they have already wasted a lot of time and a lot of money. ”

President BidenJoe Biden International community calls for “safe and orderly departure” of foreign nationals and Afghans Taliban take power as Washington debates what went wrong Haiti earthquake toll drops to nearly 1,300 dead and 5 700 injured PLUS has faced much criticism from Republicans in Congress and several major news organizations regarding his administration’s handling of the crisis in Afghanistan.


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