CNN host blames Biden for his second plagiarism report: "It's lazy or arrogant"


CNN host John King torn apart by Democratic presidential candidate on Wednesday Joe BidenJoe BidenOvernight Energy: Biden Unveils $ 1-billion Climate Plan | The plan included passages from green groups | Warren proposes a $ 1 trillion green manufacturing plan | Ocasio-Cortez congratulates Inslee for its night climate Energy: Biden unveils its $ 1 trillion climate plan | The plan included passages from green groups | Warren proposes a $ 1 trillion green manufacturing plan | Ocasio-Cortez praises Inslee on climate Ocasio-Cortez qualifies Jay Inslee's climate plan as "absolute norm" CONTINUED Wednesday after the announcement of a second plagiarism charge.

King, noting that similar reports had derailed Biden's presidential campaign in 1988, said it was a "rather amateurish mistake that the leader's campaign has made for a substantial policy roll-out".


"Supposed to be an" A Team "campaign, it was not an" A "performance," said King, referring to the Biden campaign veterans' team.

"It's lazy or it's arrogant," he said. "One would think that he would be happy to quote progressive groups on his website."

King concluded that the incident was a "leadership problem" and a "jurisdictional problem".

"He wants to be President of the United States, it's a problem of leadership and skill, you can not do that kind of thing, you can not do it," said King.

King's comments come after the Washington Post announced on Wednesday that Biden's campaign may have helped lift the veil on another source in developing his education plan.

The former vice-president's campaign was accused on Tuesday of plagiarizing passages from the thank-you policy in developing his proposal on climate change. The Biden campaign acknowledged Tuesday that it had inadvertently lifted the passes.

Biden's campaign has since added attribution to the political plans in question.

The accusations of plagiarism affected Biden's unsuccessful presidential campaign in 1988. He abandoned the race after discovering passages in his speeches.


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