CNN poll: Biden in the lead as Warren and Sanders vie for second place on the eve of the debate


The former vice president is at 24%, Warren at 18% and Sanders at 17% are again the only candidates to achieve double digit support. Three other candidates received at least 5% of the vote: Senators Kamala Harris (8%), South Bend (Indiana), Mayor Pete Buttigieg (6%) and former representative Beto O'Rourke (5%). . The remaining candidates all have a score of 2% or less in the survey.

Biden's lead is based on his support among black voters, of whom he is largely in the lead, with 42% supporting him and his closest competitor – Sanders – getting only 12%. Warren (23%) and Biden (21%) are roughly in line with potential White Democrat voters, with Sanders standing at nearly 15%. Democratic-minded or democratically indebted Hispanics, Sanders stands at 24%, with four other double-digit candidates: Biden at 18%, O Rourke at 14% and Warren and Harris at 10% each.

Biden's support among black voters mainly concerns people over the age of 50 (53% of this group supports it against 30% among those under 50) and among moderates or conservatives (47% of this group on supporting). This more generally reflects the pattern among Democrats, but more broadly among black voters. Sanders' strong presence among Latinos comes more from Hispanic voters younger than the older ones.

Warren's support has soared among graduate voters – 26% of this group supports it versus only 11% of those who do not have a degree. Sanders, whose ideological conceptions are similar to those of Warren, do not have as much support in education (19% of graduates, 13% of graduates), mainly because of his increased support for whites without a university degree (21% vs. 10% of those with a degree).

Joe Biden expects that, in the coming debate, we need more than just plans.

As in previous polls, Democrats are more likely to say that they want the party to nominate a candidate with a strong chance of beating Trump (55%) over a candidate who shares their position on major issues ( 39%). But Biden's advantage among those who want a candidate able to defeat the president has shrunk since August. In this survey, 35% of those who were in favor of someone who can beat Trump supported Bump, 15% Warren and 14% Sanders. Now this group is split almost equally between Biden (26%) and Warren (21%), Sanders at 11%.

Democratic voters worry more about the fact that the party nominates a candidate who is too liberal (49%) compared to a not-liberal candidate (41%). Biden is better off among those who fear that the party is leaning too much to the left (27% in its group, 15% with Sanders, 13% in Warren) than among those who fear that the candidate is not fairly liberal (27% in this group) Warren, 22% Sanders and 20% Biden).

The poll suggests that Trump will not face a challenge from his announced Republican opponents, even though their ranks have grown. Overall, 77% of respondents believe that the GOP should nominate Trump for the presidency in 2020, which is about the same since CNN's first application in March 2018, and only 20% would like to see it. another candidate is appointed.

Mark Sanford, main challenger of Trump GOP, says the growing number of Republican candidates reinforces the anti-Trump message

Overall, the enthusiasm generated by the vote in 2020 continues to exceed the level measured in previous presidential cycles at almost this stage of the competition. Overall, 45% of registered voters said they felt "extremely enthusiastic" about voting, up from 30% in early September 2015, 28% in October 2011, 26% in June 2007 and 19% in October. 2003. Democrats and Republicans are about equally likely to express a deep enthusiasm for voting: 51% of Republicans are extremely enthusiastic and 47% of Democrats say the same thing.

Enthusiasm is more ardent about the ideological limits of each party: 54% of liberal Democrats and 56% of conservative Republicans are deeply enthusiastic against about 4 out of 10 in the ideological milieu.

When asked to rate the importance of seven major issues, voters put health care at the top of the list (51% consider it extremely important for their vote in the presidency, the only problem to exceed 50%), followed by economy (48%). extremely important) and firearms policy (47% extremely important).

But the partisan divide on which the issues are important is striking. Of the Democrats and independents with a democratic tendency, 59% consider health care extremely important, compared to 40% of Republicans and Republicans. A majority on the part of the popular party believes that the economy is critical (53%), while fewer Democrats agree (45%). The clearest gap comes from climate change. Among Democrats and Democrats, 56% consider it extremely important compared to only 11% of Republicans and Republicans.

The CNN survey was conducted by the SSRS from September 5 to 9 on a random national sample of 1,639 adults on fixed lines or mobile phones by an online interviewer, including 908 registered voters. The results for the full sample have a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points, it is 4.3 for the subset of Democrat voters potential. The sample survey included too many samples of registered African American and Latin American voters. These subsets have been weighted to represent the appropriate share of the total population and are not overrepresented in the overall survey results.


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