CNN premiere: more ANR executives resign amid controversy over spending


Craig Morgan, a country music singer and ANR board member, has resigned, according to CNN, according to informed sources, and NASCAR's owner, Richard Childress, has resigned Monday. David Lehman, deputy executive director and general counsel at the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, is also leaving the organization, sources told CNN.

Morgan and Childress were prominent public figures for the NRA. Morgan often appeared on NRATV, the group's streaming service, and even hosted her own program on the network. Lehman was the deputy executive director then, Chris Cox, who resigned in June and was also the main lobbyist of the NRA. Lehman was a great lobbyist when he left the organization.

CNN solicited comments from Morgan and Lehman, and NRA did not respond to several requests for comments.

In a letter announcing his resignation, which was first reported Childress, who owns a successful racing team and business, said he wanted to "fully focus" on his activities, believing that he owed it to "my employees, our partners, my family and me. -even" .

"Since I proudly accepted to sit on the NRA's board of directors, I have supported the organization and its important mission of preserving and protecting our constitutional rights," he said. Childress writes in a letter dated Monday. "But when, as now, I am no longer able to fully engage in a commitment that I've made, it's time for me to resign." I reached that point in my ability to continue serving the NRA As such, I have to resign. "

Childress, as well as North, had already expressed concerns about the money the NRA spent on outside counsel, William Brewer and his firm Brewer Attorneys & Counselors, according to documents obtained by CNN.

When North raised concerns about the NRA's expenses, he was effectively ousted from the position of president of the group. NRA President Wayne LaPierre accused North of trying to organize a coup, which North denied. NER then sued North.

The NRA denied that any of its payments to the brew lawyers was incorrect. Childress has not cited the financial controversy in his resignation letter.

In a statement, NRA President Carolyn Meadows praised Childress' "years of service to the NRA".

"We wish him the best of success in his business and appreciate his desire to focus on these interests at the moment," she said in a statement. "Of course, we are pleased to see that Mr. Childress will continue to support the organization and constitutional freedoms in which he believes."

A former race rider, Childress founded the NASCAR team Richard Childress Racing in 1969. The North Carolina-based team became one of NASCAR's largest organizations, with championships won by runner Dale Earnhardt. Childress was inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2017.

Before Morgan was a country artist, the singer "C is what I love on Sunday" served in the US Army and on his reserves.

Morgan was also one of the NRA members who joined President Donald Trump's "second-round coalition" a few days before the 2016 presidential election, according to The Guardian.

Wave of resignations

Morgan and Lehman did not immediately announce their departure from the NRA, which has seen several senior officials withdraw in recent months.

Last week, Julie Golob, a professional sports shooter, announced that she would not finish her three-year term as director of the ANR's board of directors, and three members of the board 39; ARN representing more than 70 board members resigned after expressing concern over lavish reporting. spending and mismanagement of LaPierre, reported the Washington Post.
Cox resigned in June after NRA management accused him of participating in an attempt to overthrow LaPierre – a charge Cox denied the New York Times.
Jennifer Baker stepped down in July as the director of public affairs for the NRA lobby.
NRA is also battling a legal battle with its former advertising partner, Ackerman McQueen, and stopped producing its NRATV online broadcast network, which was operated by Ackerman.
The New York Attorney General and the Attorney General of Washington, DC, have opened investigations into the NRA and its finances.


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