CNN reporter breaks down in tears during coronavirus report in California


A CNN reporter broke down in tears while reporting on COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in southern California on Tuesday.

CNN correspondent Sara Sidner suffocated “New day” as she finished her report, which covered an overwhelmed hospital in Los Angeles, with a live shot.

During her report, Sidner interviewed a woman named Juliana Jimenez Sesma, who lost her mother and stepfather to COVID-19 11 days apart and had to organize her mother’s funeral in a parking lot. .

“Don’t let that be you,” Sesma warned during her interview. “If you really love your loved ones, don’t let that be you.”

During her live shot, Sidner broke down and apologized as she tried to talk about the cover.

“This is the 10th hospital that I have been to and to see the way these families have to live after this and the heartache that goes so far and so wide,” Sidner said. “It’s really hard to bear. I’m sorry, Alisyn.

“New Day” host Alisyn Camerota comforted Sidner, saying there was “no apology needed.”

“We have watched your reporting on the ground throughout this horrific year and we have all been struck by grief – the collective grief that we are all in,” Camerota said.

“And to see these families who are fighting, who persevere and who have to have these funerals in parking lots, like the ones you showed us – it’s just a collective trauma that we are all going through,” she added. “And Sara, we all appreciate the heart you bring to this every day and your excellent reports.”

Sidner responded by calling the circumstances “just not OK”.

“These families shouldn’t be going through this,” she said. “No family should go through this.”

She went on to say, “So please listen to what this family is saying, ‘Don’t let that be you’. Do whatever you can to prevent this from killing your family, neighbors and friends, your teacher, doctors, and firefighters. All of these people are here to help, but you have to do your part. “

The United States has documented more than 22.6 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, resulting in 378,457 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

California in particular has counted more than 2.7 million cases and 30,503 deaths, as the state grapples with overwhelmed hospitals.


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