CNN to host Biden town hall next week


CNN on Tuesday announced plans to host a town hall with President BidenJoe Biden Democrats say Trump’s impeachment defense is ‘completely without merit’ US-Israel defense treaty has advantages – and dangers White House: Biden won’t spend much time watching impeachment trial by Trump PLUS in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Feb.16.

Anchor Anderson Cooper will moderate the show, which airs at 8 p.m. next Tuesday and which, according to a CNN spokesperson, is an invite-only event at the Pabst Theater to ensure social distancing and follow Wisconsin’s coronavirus restrictions.

Questions from the public are expected to cover a variety of topics, including the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the country’s economy.

Biden’s trip to Wisconsin set to be his first official trip since he took the presidency less than a month ago.

The president has been largely confined to the White House amid the pandemic, which has infected more than 27.1 million people in the United States, killing more than 465,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins University..

He traveled to Delaware last weekend for a doctor’s appointment for his foot, which he had previously injured while playing with his dog Major.

Biden made his last appearance in Milwaukee just before the October election.

The president ended up winning Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes over the former President TrumpDonald TrumpDOJ Calls for Resignation of Most Trump-Appointed U.S. Lawyers: Report Trump’s Lawyer Withdraws Request Not to Hold Impeachment Trial on Saturday Kinzinger in Calls to GOP Senators to Convict Trump in Impeachment Trial MORE after Trump secured the state in 2016.


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