CNN Town Hall in Beto O 'Rourke: six takeaway meals


The former Texas congressman spent the first two months of his candidacy for the 2020 Democratic nomination by collecting details and anecdotes throughout the election campaign, often writing them in a notebook. . He now uses these stories to highlight the human impact of President Donald Trump's policy, to which he is attacking.

1. Blame Trump for the increase in hate crimes

O 'Rourke used to punctuate his message with examples that he had heard on the track – with details about who had told him and where – was exposed when he recalled a girl who had asked herself if, as an immigrant, she had her place the United States. He said that a Muslim family had heard him tell this story in Houston and told him that their young girl had asked them if they were in the wrong country.

He turned this into a scathing scolding of Trump, citing the President's attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Muslim Democrat from Minnesota, and his comments after the White Suprematist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

O 'Rourke said that Trump "not only offends our ears and our sensitivity, it makes possible the acts of violence and hatred we are witnessing today in this country."

2. O & # 39; Rourke broke with Pelosi about the consequences of impeachment proceedings

O 'Rourke called for weeks Congress to begin Trump's impeachment process. On Tuesday, he took another step by breaking with Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who warned that it could boost Trump's base ahead of the 2020 elections.

He said Democrats should "ignore these short-term consequences" and focus on getting documents and evidence. The only way to do that, he said, is "to compel testimony, handing over these documents, through an impeachment procedure".

O 'Rourke referred to the White House's refusal to comply with Congressional summonses and the refusal of Attorney General William Barr to appear at a hearing in the House in recent weeks to justify his request for charge.

The issue, he said, is "the sanctity of the ballot box and the very future of the world's largest democracy".

"If we do nothing because we fear the polls, the politics or the repercussions of the next elections, we will set a precedent according to which some people, because of the position of power and the confidence of the public which they hold, are above the law, "he said.

3. It seeks a national audience

The beginnings of O 'Rourke's campaign all concerned a personal touch. He himself traveled more than 6,000 km, sometimes six times a day in the first states.

But this meeting with individual voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada has a cost: it has not won the national audience that other contestants have gathered with public assemblies and television interviews.

Tuesday was part of an effort to change that – but O 'Rourke also launched a new feature on his website titled "Town Hall for America". His site now includes a button at the top of his home page that allows people to ask questions.

"I will do my best to find an answer to each of these points and an answer.This level of responsibility will make me a better candidate and hope for a better president for you and for others," he said. O & # 39; Rourke. I said.

4. Sue to Trump on Immigration

A resident of El Paso who can see Ciudad Juárez from his porch across the US-Mexican border, the most important problem of O. Rourke has long been the most important. ;immigration.

He called for an overhaul of immigration that would include granting citizenship to the so-called Dreamers – undocumented immigrants who were brought into the country – and creating a path to freedom. 39 access to citizenship for other undocumented immigrants currently in the United States.

"Let's do this together, and do not do it as Democrats, Independents or Republicans, but do it as Americans: Rewrite our immigration laws in our own image," said O & # 39; Rourke Tuesday night.

He criticized Trump's family separation policy, saying that he "will never separate another family when they come here at their most vulnerable and desperate moment".

O 'Rourke also strongly criticized the president for his willingness to cut $ 500 million of US aid to the North Triangle, a region encompassing El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, where many claimants are seeking relief. asylum have fled violence.

"He wants to reduce that, I would double it and I would focus on the prevention of violence so that no mother is forced to make that dreadful decision to send her child on this hike." 000 km, "said O & # 39; Rourke. "It's the wisest and wisest use of our resources in this hemisphere."

5. An abortion law

O 'Rourke was ready to put in place a plan to protect women's reproductive rights – and received what it could have been her biggest applause from the night of the crowd to the ## 147 ## 39, Drake University.

"As president, I will ensure that every candidate in every federal court, including the Supreme Court, understands and believes that Roe v. Wade is the country's well-established law," said O. Rourke.

His comment comes as Republican-led states – with Alabama in the foreground – enact restrictive laws prohibiting virtually any abortion, a series of measures to ensure that the Supreme Court, with a conservative majority of 5 out of 4, take the question.

Mr. O. Rourke's campaign conveyed to reporters the details of his plan, including the appointment of a public prosecutor to defend the right to abortion; remove the limitations on doctors to provide women with information on how they can legally and safely access abortion; request the repeal of the Hyde amendment, which prohibits federal dollars from funding abortions; and the ban on restrictions that prevent insurance companies from covering abortions.

6. Her time as a nanny and other personal moments

O 'Rourke sometimes had personal conversations while chatting with his father, Pat O' Rourke, a local El Paso politician who was killed when his bicycle was hit by a car in 2001.

"I'd like to think that he'd be proud of the way we do it." "Be with people, have fun, while connecting people where they are, where they live." My father, Pat O 'Rourke, I've never met a stranger, I loved every moment of being alive, we found a total joy to serve others, "he said.

He also spoke of his nanny work in New York after graduating from Columbia University.

"So, after my university studies, I was trying to live in New York, and I was working full time, but I still did not have enough money to pay the rent," said O & # 39; Rourke.

A family, he said, made an offer that he could not refuse.

O 'Rourke agreed to monitor their children after school and on weekends, accompany them to school and prepare them breakfast in exchange for an apartment located at above them.

"Very good business, so I took them back and had a great experience early on," he said.


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