CNN Washington bureau chief: watch these states on election night


If we know the results and there is a clear winner in Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, “we could very well know a winner,” CNN Washington bureau chief Sam Feist said on Sunday. to Brian Stelter, media correspondent.

But if the election is in Pennsylvania, Feist said there’s a chance we wouldn’t know the winner on election night.

“Donald Trump could have an artificial lead in the state of Pennsylvania,” Feist said, adding that this lead could decrease when the postal votes are counted.

Ballots in the mail can take a long time to count. Election officials must open the envelopes, verify signatures and then process the ballots.

“We can expect them not to finish counting until Wednesday, Thursday or even Friday,” Feist said. “Just because it’s taking longer doesn’t mean it’s all wrong. They’re going to do it methodically.”

Florida and North Carolina, however, are already counting mail-in ballots. “At the very start of election night, these states will reject their early vote on the results,” Feist said.

According to a recent Gallup / Knight poll, only 21% of American adults believe the winner of the election will be known on the night of Election Day, while 25% of them expect the winner to be known a three days later. The majority – 54% – expect it to take more than three days.

Feist added that CNN viewers can expect to see the same faces they usually see on the network on election night, but presenters and guests will abide by social distancing rules.

“This is the most unusual election of our lives because so many people have voted by mail,” Feist told Stelter on Saturday after completing a prep session with the presenters and producers of CNN Election Night.

Feist said there was no way of knowing if the networks would screen a winner on Tuesday night.

“It is entirely possible that we are not projecting a winner at all,” he said. CNN will, however, be making state projections as the votes roll out on election night.


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