CNN’s Chris Cuomo to take vacation amid brother exam


Chris Cuomo is expected to start a week’s vacation from his prime-time CNN talk show on Friday, a hiatus the host described as a previously scheduled absence around his birthday.

“Every year I take my birthday week,” Mr. Cuomo, who turns 51 on Monday, said on a CNN podcast. “I can not wait to see him.”

The vacation comes as Mr. Cuomo’s brother, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York City, faces numerous calls to resign after a report from the New York State Attorney General on Tuesday detailed several charges of sexual harassment against him.

Chris Cuomo has not once mentioned his brother or the scandal on his 9 p.m. show since the report was released, which has otherwise received wide coverage on CNN. He apologized earlier this year for discussing strategy with Governor Cuomo’s aides on how to respond to the scandal; the host called his actions a “mistake” and pledged not to discuss his brother on the air.

On Thursday’s episode of “The Handoff” – a weekly podcast that Chris Cuomo co-hosts with network colleague Don Lemon – Mr. Cuomo told Mr. Lemon that he was anxiously awaiting his absence.

“I’ll be home here because I don’t know why I would go anywhere other than the East End of Long Island during the summer. It’s the most beautiful place in the world, ”said Mr. Cuomo, who is a fixture on the Hamptons summer scene, with Mr. Lemon. “I’m going fishing, I’m going to hang out with you, and I’m going to make memories with the kids.”

Mr Lemon said he was “making” plans for the week with Mr Cuomo’s wife, Cristina.

“I’m sure you’ll make the plan and I’ll pay for it,” Mr. Cuomo joked.

The ongoing scandal involving Governor Cuomo was not mentioned.

Chris Cuomo’s regular replacement Michael Smerconish is expected to host Friday’s edition of “Cuomo Prime Time”. Chris Cuomo also did not appear on the Friday episode of his SiriusXM radio show; a substitute host said he was on vacation. CNN declined to comment beyond Mr. Cuomo’s comments on his podcast.


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