Co-creator 'Friends & # 39 ;, Marta Kauffman, regrets these two intrigues


The one with the regrets of Marta Kauffman.

At the "Friends" panel held on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Tribeca TV Festival on Friday, the co-creator of the series admitted that there were two plot scenarios for which she did not want to be involved. was not too excited.

"The stalker," said Kauffman, referring to a season 3 episode of the beloved sitcom in which Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) ended up cracking for a guy named Malcolm (David Arquette) who was hounding his twin sister Ursula.

"We did a lot of rewriting to make it work," she revealed.

Kauffman was also not pleased with the plot of Season 2, in which Phoebe catches chickenpox and gives it to a Navy member named Ryan (Charlie Sheen), with whom she sometimes goes out when in town .

While his co-creator, David Crane, did not call any particular moment, he commented, "It's one of those things where, I do not watch the show at home, but sometimes if we're traveling or whatever either, it will be on and sometimes, I see something … and it will be like: "Wow, it holds up", and then there are definitely times when I will go, "really? We went with that?

Executive producer Kevin Bright was also part of the panel, while David Schwimmer, one of the stars of the series, was also noticed among the audience trying to go unnoticed.


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