Cobra Kai Streaming Season One Free Now


You can now watch the amazing Cobra Kai for free.
Photo: YouTube

Some suites should not exist. All they can do is destroy the heritage of the original. However, from time to time, one of these impossible sequences is presented and not satisfied with the expectations, it improves the original.

Youtube Cobra Kai is one of these suites. This is the modern story of Daniel Larusso and Johnny Lawrence, stars of the original 1984 film, The karate kid, are now. And now, they still live in the San Fernando Valley. Daniel, again played by Ralph Macchio, is the owner of a reputable car dealer. Johnny, again played by Billy Zabka, does not have the same quality. This is where the story begins and she is absolutely beautiful. A perfect balance between modern tropes and nostalgic rhythms is part of a story to tell with characters, new and old, who matter to you.

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I have written a lot about this show (see the links above and below) because I love it so much. I think this is one of the best suites to date. In addition, it continues, with season three in preparation as we speak. However, until now, one had to pay to watch it. Starting today, it's free. For a limited time only.

Yes, for a limited time, all the first season of Cobra Kai is available on YouTube for free. You can find the playlist here or just check out the episodes below. Believe me. If you like Karate Kid and have not seen that yet, you will become addicted. It's fantastic.

I must say that my favorite moment in Season 1, maybe my favorite moment of a TV show or movie I've seen in the past 5 years, is the fall just after 14 minutes of episode 7. For me, it was the moment Cobra Kai went from really, really good, to absolutely perfect.

Then, if you succeed, the second season is over too, although it still remains behind the payment wall. Keep an eye on the Cobra Kai Twitter to see if or when it goes down.

Learn more about the first and second seasons of Cobra Kai below.

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