Coca-Cola brings back the famous "new coke" because nostalgia


Apparently, the power of nostalgia has the ability to resurrect products that were complete disasters a long time ago. In the honor of "Stranger Things", Coca-Cola will revive the infamous "New Coke" for a limited time, reports CNN.

"The company is bringing back a limited number of New Coke cans in honor of the forthcoming third season of" Stranger Things ", in which the product is featured," reports the point of sale.

Season 3 of "Stranger Things" will debut on Netflix on July 4th and will take place during the summer of 1985, during which Coca-Cola presented a new recipe ("New Coke") that Americans have categorically rejected, becoming one of the biggest marketing failures in history. .

"The so-called New Coke was a failure: consumers reacted so badly to the new drink that Coca-Cola removed it from the shelves after a few months," reports CNN. "New Coke was renamed Coke II and sold in some places after 1985. But that's the first time Coca-Cola reports New Coke with this brand."

Stuart Kronauge, president of Coca-Cola's bubbly business unit and senior vice president of marketing for Coca-Cola North America, told CNN Business that the revival of New Coke was a way to show everyone world that the company "does not take itself too seriously".

"Maybe some time ago, we would not have done that," Kronauge said. "But we are changing and trying to innovate in a way that goes beyond new traditional products – it is a cultural innovation."

Kronauge argued that the marketing trick was a way for Coca-Cola to reach an audience in an ever-changing media landscape, where TV commercials and billboards were rendered almost useless.

"Buying a 30-second ad to spend a certain amount of time does not have the same value as before," Kronauge told CNN. "The world is shifting more and more to streaming and non-advertising platforms and subscription-based platforms, so it's important for us to make sure we're where the eyes, the heart and the world go. The spirit of our consumers are found. "

Barry Smyth, Global Partner Marketing Manager at Netflix, told CNN that the partnership with Coca-Cola would give the company an entry point into viral marketing on the Internet. "We exist on the Internet and Coke has more than a century of experience in the manufacture of physical consumer products," he said.

According to the Associated Press, bringing back New Coke has required considerable effort because the company had to go through decades of archives to recover the recipe and design the right container. "In total, everything took about six months and was top secret," said Peter Shoemaker, marketing director of the sparkling category at the AP.

CNN has provided some ways to purchase the product as well as the other "Stranger Things" themed products that Coca-Cola will market this summer:

Customers can purchase this retro product in three ways: as a gift when they buy limited edition glass bottles "Stranger Things" Coke and Sugar Coke Zero from Thursday, through vending machines at the theme " Stranger Things "that will be selling cities this summer, or as a gift when they buy a gift or a ticket at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. Coca-Cola has produced less than 500,000 12-ounce cans of New Coke and expects to run out quickly.

Of course, Coca-Cola is not the only company to encounter rebranding failures. Fox News has listed some of the biggest product failures that will be remembered by children of the '80s and' 90s, including Pepsi A.M. and Crystal Pepsi, as well as the Apple Newton and McDonald's Arch Deluxe.


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