Coca-Cola spill floods El Paso district


Photo: Tetra Images (Getty Images), screenshot: JordanMachin (YouTube)

KFOX14 reports that Coca-Cola has been flooded in a few neighborhoods in a low-lying area of ​​El Paso, Texas after a large spill in a nearby distribution company Tuesday evening. The municipal authorities subsequently closed some blocks soaked in sugar.

Fox News said the facility made no official connection with the cause of the spill, but "some locals say they believe the soda has arrived through a drainage system." The conditions of this type of accident baffle me: how in the world are you trying to clean something like this? I can not even stand up when I get a stuffing on my phone screen. Apparently, according to KFOX, "the crews have covered the mud with soil" to help prevent the spread of Coca-Cola, but the KFOX reporter Keenan Willard tweeted, "A worker said he was stopping the spread, but cleaning is the responsibility of the factory." What work.

In the early morning, fortunately, the soda tides had receded, leaving some residents with coke mud in their yard. But the only other apparent victim of Coke-flood was a bird that had been trapped in the bazaar, but had then been cleaned before escaping "to freedom". Thus, happy outcomes all around.


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